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Immigration to the UK has risen to a record high

In 2022

Immigration to the UK has risen to a record
Immigration to the UK has risen to a record

Immigration to the UK has risen to a record high

Immigration to the UK has risen to a record high in 2022. The British Office for National Statistics (ONS) announced on Thursday that net immigration will amount to 745,000 people in 2022. Net immigration is the difference between the number of people immigrating to the UK and the number of people leaving the country.

The authority thus increased the previously published figure of 606,000 for 2022 by 139,000, citing "unexpected patterns" in the behavior of immigrants.

For the period from June 2022 to June 2023, however, the agency says it expects a lower figure of 672,000. While it is too early to speak of a new downward trend, the latest estimates point to a slowdown in immigration coupled with rising emigration, the ONS said. In 2021 as a whole, net immigration had stood at 488,000 people.

Immigration has long been a key political issue of contention in the UK. It is also likely to be one of the key campaign issues in next year's general election. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's Conservative government has repeatedly promised that the UK will take "control" of Britain's borders by leaving the European Union and ending the free movement of people.

In the year 2022, Great Britain experienced a record-high level of immigration, as reported by the British Office for National Statistics. The astonishingly high net immigration figure of 745,000 people was announced, surpassing the previously published estimate of 606,000.


