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Immigrant noticeably younger

Where do immigrants come from, how old are they, and where do they live? A new database provides insights. A city in Hessen ranks high nationwide as a residence.

15.6 million immigrants lived in Germany according to the census 2022 (Symbol photo)
15.6 million immigrants lived in Germany according to the census 2022 (Symbol photo)

Society - Immigrant noticeably younger

Immigrants are significantly younger than the average German population. The new database made available online by the Federal Statistical Office based on the 2022 Census allows for such demographic statements. The non-German population was on average 37 years old at the Census date - May 15, 2022 - while the German population had an average age of 45 years.

At the Census date, approximately 15.6 million people resided in Germany who had immigrated. This represented nearly 19% of the total German population.

Forty percent held German passports.

Of these, 40% possessed German citizenship at the time, while 60% held another citizenship. The gender ratio among immigrants was nearly balanced: 49.7% were male and 50.3% were female.

Approximately 2.5 million minors

According to the definition, individuals have an immigration history if they or both their parents have immigrated to Germany. Based on this calculation, the 15.6 million self-immigrants are joined by an additional 2.5 million minors under 19 years old.

Poland as the leading country of origin:

The majority of immigrants originated from Poland (12%), Turkey (9%), and Russia (7%). Five percent each came from Syria or Ukraine.

Offenbach: highest number of immigrants nationwide

The Census data indicates that the most immigrants - relative to the total population - resided in Offenbach, Germany: The share was 43%. The majority of these immigrants were from Turkey, Poland, and Romania. Additionally, more than a third of immigrants lived in Pforzheim (39%), Heilbronn (37%), Frankfurt am Main (36%), and Ingolstadt (33%).

Census data

The Statistical Federal Office, located in Wiesbaden, Hesse, was instrumental in compiling the census data. This data revealed that the average age of the non-German population in Germany was 37 years at the Census date, significantly younger than the 45-year-old average age of the German population.

The City of Offenbach in Germany had the highest proportion of immigrants relative to its total population, according to the census. This statistical information was collected and analyzed by the Society in Germany and the Federal Statistical Office.

Interestingly, the Statistics from the 2022 Census also showed that among the top 5 countries of origin for immigrants in Germany, Poland had the largest number with 12%, followed by Turkey with 9%, and Russia with 7%.

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