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Immediate deportation of potential dangers is a priority for Söder.

Laws not stringent enough?

Söder also calls for repatriation agreements with Syria and Afghanistan.
Söder also calls for repatriation agreements with Syria and Afghanistan.

Immediate deportation of potential dangers is a priority for Söder.

Before the Ministerpresident conference, Soder sets out extensive proposals: There might be an issue of the public perceiving law enforcement as too permissive, he notes. He advocates for severe actions against potential dangers.

Markus Soder, Bavaria's Ministerpresident, supports speedier expulsions and temporary detention of asylum applicants who are not recognized, even if they haven't broken any laws but are viewed as threats. This can be executed based on police laws. Soder expressed these views prior to the Ministerpresident conference on Deutschlandfunk, mentioning the danger of the populace perceiving law enforcement as overly lenient.

In Germany, Soder argues, decisions are made too slowly. Previously, he had proposed a Five-Point Plan to facilitate the swifter removal of criminals and threats among asylum seekers.

He emphasizes the importance of return agreements, stating, "I also urge the federal government to negotiate directly with Syria, not settle for minor solutions." This sentiment applies universally to Afghanistan, he added. "I don't anticipate the Foreign Minister flying to Kabul immediately," Soder said. The Foreign Office can conduct discussions with the Taliban through other channels as well.

Many individuals who arrive in Germany from Syria or Afghanistan receive unchecked hand-outs under the so-called subsidiary protection. "This leads to a de facto 100-percent recognition," Soder stressed, advocating for more attention to individual cases and maintaining the option for return. He also anticipates influence on this matter at the European level through a new EU commission.

Wegner advocates for removing serious criminals

Berlin's governing mayor Kai Wegner also supports consistent expulsions of foreigners living illegally in Germany. "Anyone without residence rights should leave the country," Wegner told Zeit Online. This includes criminals: "We must expel serious criminals - even to Afghanistan or Syria." Wegner believes the policy should be tailored to enable expulsions to countries like Afghanistan.

The chairman of the Ministerpresident conference, Boris Rhein of the CDU, also advocates for increased efforts to establish return agreements. "I expect the Chancellor himself to lead the negotiations with the corresponding countries and make it his top priority." Leverage should also be used, such as revoking visa commitments and development aid, Rhein suggested.

The Ministerpresident conference is discussing several issues with Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, including future migration policy. The apparently islamist-motivated, fatal stabbing attack on a police officer in Mannheim at the end of May has sparked debate on resuming expulsions to Afghanistan. Currently, these are suspended due to the volatile situation there.

Read also:

  1. Soder's Five-Point Plan emphasizes the need for faster deportations of criminals and threats among asylum seekers, including individuals from Syria and Afghanistan, to ensure justice is served and prevent potential violence.
  2. The Ministerpresident conference discusses future migration policies with Chancellor Olaf Scholz, with a focus on resuming deportations to countries like Afghanistan, despite ongoing violence and conflicts, due to the presence of severe offenders.
  3. Scholz emphasizes the importance of deporting severe offenders, including those from Syria and Afghanistan, to uphold justice and maintain public safety, while acknowledging the complexities of the situation and the potential for violence.
  4. Amidst debates over immigration and criminality, Olaf Scholz clarifies that he supports deportation of serious offenders, even if it means negotiating directly with nations like Syria, which has been embroiled in wars and conflicts, to ensure the safety and justice for German citizens.
  5. The issue of deportations and the integration of immigrants, particularly from countries like Afghanistan and Syria, has become a contentious topic in German politics, with politicians such as Markus Soder advocating for stricter immigration policies and faster deportations to maintain justice and prevent violence.



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