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IG Metall demands Future Pact for Southwest Industry

The Southwest industry significantly contributes to the economic output. But for how long? IG Metall now calls for a future alliance to the table - and demands more ambition from companies and politics.

IG Metall intends to secure the future of the Southwest Industry - and for this purpose, align...
IG Metall intends to secure the future of the Southwest Industry - and for this purpose, align coordinates with companies and politics.

Industry - IG Metall demands Future Pact for Southwest Industry

To secure the future of industry in Baden-Württemberg, the labor union IG Metall is calling for collective efforts from politics, businesses, and social partners. Their idea: A future alliance that develops industrial policy directions for the region and takes steps towards implementation. This was shared by the union after the district conference in Ludwigsburg.

"The leadership and organization of such an industrial policy alliance we see as a political matter," states a position paper. Topics such as research and development, qualification and competencies, political framework conditions, infrastructure, and critical location factors, as well as the performance of administration are to be addressed. Decision-makers from politics, business, science, and society are called upon to participate, it was stated.

The Southwest industry is still in a strong position today and a guarantee for prosperity and good jobs, shared the regional leader of IG Metall in the Southwest, Barbara Resch. However, many employees are looking at their future prospects with growing concern. If nothing is done, economic problems will increase in the coming years, and pressure on working conditions and standards will rise. "There is a risk of a vicious circle of political negligence and often timid and idea-poor management."

IG Metall: No more standing still

The industry in the country should still be at the top in 2035. Therefore, there should be no standing still. The union is demanding more courage and ambition from companies, especially in the anchoring of future products at domestic locations. From politics, IG Metall expects a tangible improvement of location conditions. Procedures in administration must become faster and more digital. Bureaucratic hurdles should not hinder innovation and investments, and the need for skilled labor must be secured.

Since 2017, there has been a "Strategic Dialog Automotive Industry" in Baden-Württemberg, which deals with future issues of this industrial core sector. According to the statistics of the State Office, the industry generated almost a third of Baden-Württemberg's gross domestic product last year. Around 1.3 million people were employed in the Southwest industry in 2023.

  1. IG Metall, recognizing the importance of Baden-Württemberg's industry, is advocating for the Future Pact in Stuttgart, aiming to strengthen industrial policy.
  2. The union, IG Metall, in their position paper, emphasizes the need for collective effort from political leaders, businesses, and societal entities in shaping this Future Pact.
  3. In an effort to secure the future of its metal industry workforce, IG Metall is pushing for more domestic production of future products in Baden-Württemberg.
  4. The union, IG Metall, believes that political leaders in Ludwigsburg should improve location conditions to support the industry's continued growth and competitiveness.
  5. In Ludwigsburg, IG Metall is actively engaged in the Strategy Dialog Automotive Industry, a concerted effort since 2017, to address future challenges in the region's automotive industry.

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