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Ifo: Companies' willingness to hire fell slightly in November

Employment barometer

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Women earn more than their male colleagues in the top German stock market

Ifo: Companies' willingness to hire fell slightly in November

According to a survey by the Munich-based Ifo Institute, companies in Germany have become slightly less willing to hire new staff. The index calculated by Ifo, the employment barometer, fell to 95.9 points in November after 96.2 points in October. "The lack of a firm foundation for the upswing is making companies hesitant to hire new staff," explained Klaus Wohlrabe, head of the Ifo surveys. Many companies continued to complain about a lack of new orders.

In industry, the barometer rose again after seven consecutive declines. However, it is still in negative territory, explained the Ifo: fewer employees are still to be expected here. This applies in particular to the energy-intensive sectors.

The barometer also improved slightly in the retail sector; however, retailers are still holding back on hiring new staff, as the institute explained. There is still a slightly positive hiring trend among service providers, albeit somewhat less pronounced than in the previous month.

In the construction industry, on the other hand, the barometer fell to its lowest level since August 2010. "The housing crisis is now also making itself felt in personnel planning," explained Wohlrabe.


