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IAB: Share of women in top management positions has barely increased

Gender distribution

IAB: Share of women in top management positions has barely
IAB: Share of women in top management positions has barely

IAB: Share of women in top management positions has barely increased

The top management positions in Germany remain a male domain. According to a study by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), women only occupy 28% of top positions. This figure has only increased by three percentage points compared to 2004.

The proportion of women among all employees is 44 percent. They are therefore clearly underrepresented in top management positions. This also applies to the second management level, where they are more frequently represented than at the top at 41%.

According to the research institute of the Federal Employment Agency (BA), there are clear differences between eastern and western Germany. In eastern Germany, the proportion of women in management positions at both management levels is higher than in the west. At the second management level, there has even been a slight over-representation of women in the east for ten years.

In financial and insurance services in particular, men predominantly reserve the management levels for themselves. According to the IAB, more than half of employees in this sector are women - but their share is well below average at 16% at the first management level and 32% at the second management level.

According to the IAB, more and more companies are allowing managers to work part-time. This is now 23% of private sector companies, seven percentage points more than in 2014, and almost three quarters of all part-time management positions in the private sector are held by women. "Employers' willingness to allow managers to work reduced hours can be a way for people with caring responsibilities in particular to master career advancement despite family obligations," explained IAB expert Iris Möller.

The study is based on data from the IAB Establishment Panel, a representative survey in which a good 15,000 companies take part each year

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