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I will take office as Chancellor, becoming Chancellor again

Olaf Scholz

I will take office as Chancellor, to become Chancellor again
I will take office as Chancellor, to become Chancellor again

I will take office as Chancellor, becoming Chancellor again

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz has announced another bid for Chancellorship. "I will run for Chancellor again, to be Chancellor once more," said the SPD politician in the traditional summer press conference in Berlin.

The SPD is a very closed party. "We are all firmly resolved to jointly pull into the next federal election campaign and win."

Scholz was previously asked whether he would follow the example of US President Joe Biden, who announced his renunciation of another presidential candidacy. "Thank you very much for the extremely kind and friendly question," Scholz replied pointedly.

Olaf Scholz expressed his intentions, stating, "I will again contest for the Chancellorship, aiming to be Chancellor once more." During the following party meeting, Scholz reaffirmed his commitment, saying, "Just as we are united in our resolve for the upcoming federal election, I will likewise give my all in this new bid for the Chancellorship."

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