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I am searching for the cause of the house explosion with one fatality

An immense explosion levelled a house in Memmingen and severely damaged several others. A teenage boy died. The cause is still a mystery.

A debris field remains after the house explosion in Memmingen.
A debris field remains after the house explosion in Memmingen.

Misfortune in Memmingen - I am searching for the cause of the house explosion with one fatality

After the violent explosion in a residential house in the Bavarian city Memmingen, cleaning up and searching for the cause of the accident continues. Experts from the Bavarian Criminal Police Office are expected on Monday. "The search for traces goes on tomorrow", said Bernd Stapfner, spokesperson for the Police Presidium Schwaben Sud/West. It cannot be ruled out that the explosion was the result of a gas leak.

At the accident, a 17-year-old was killed on Friday afternoon. Helpers could only recover his body from the heavily damaged neighboring house. Debris flew up to 400 meters. Miraculously, there were no further casualties. The damage costs are in the millions, said Stapfner.

Houses checked for stability

Residents were evacuated from numerous houses on Friday. "Helpers from the Technical Aid Organization THW have checked around 20 houses for stability, so that their inhabitants can return", reported Stapfner further. It was initially unclear how many people were still unable to return to their apartments.

THW and the fire department have made good progress in sealing damaged roofs. However, the full extent of the damage is not yet clear. The THW tried to make an image of the damages, especially on the roofs, with a drone. It is an immense damage scene, said Stapfner.

Neighbors help with cleanup

Cleanup work continued on the weekend on the street, with neighbors joining in. "Everyone has taken out their brooms and moved roof tiles out of the way", said Stapfner. The city building yard Memmingen was on the move with street sweepers.

The Police, who, according to a spokesperson, had around dozens of officers on site on Friday evening, received support from nearby Baden-Württemberg. Two rescue helicopters had to be treated for circulatory problems in the course of the mission, according to the police. However, they recovered quickly.

The misfortune of the House explosion in Memmingen has led to the involvement of experts from Baden-Württemberg's Criminal Police Office, scheduled to arrive on Monday to investigate the cause. Despite the danger of a potential gas leak, there have been no further casualties beyond the 17-year-old victim.

Police from Bavaria and support from Baden-Württemberg have been managing the Emergency situation, with over 30 officers present on site on Friday evening. The debris from the explosion reached up to 400 meters, causing significant damage and evacuation of numerous houses.

Residents of the affected houses are awaiting the all-clear from the Technical Aid Organization THW, who have checked around 20 houses for stability to ensure safety for their inhabitants. The THW and fire department have made progress in sealing damaged roofs, but the full extent of the damages, especially on roofs, is yet to be assessed.

The clean-up efforts continue in Memmingen, with neighbors joining forces to help clear the debris from the streets. The city building yard has also deployed street sweepers to aid the cleanup process.

Despite the challenging circumstances, both the Police and the THW have displayed remarkable resilience. Two rescue helicopters from Baden-Württemberg even faced circulatory problems during the mission, but quickly recovered to continue their crucial service.

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