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"Hurricane Milton showcases unprecedented meteorological might"

By Thursday evening, Milton reaches the shore.
By Thursday evening, Milton reaches the shore.

"Hurricane Milton showcases unprecedented meteorological might"

In the USA, "Milton" is making its way towards Florida's coast. This Category 5 hurricane, as per ntv meteorologist Bjoern Alexander, is a force to be reckoned with, pushing forward devastating water masses. This results in meter-high waves and heavy rainfall. Meanwhile, Europe is feeling the remnants of "Kirk". Over there, similar weather conditions are expected for the weekend. The USA is about to experience another hurricane, and Europe is currently being hit by the residuals of a former hurricane, both causing extreme weather conditions lately. Which severe weather conditions are currently causing concerns?

Bjoern Alexander: The most destructive power comes from Hurricane "Milton" in the USA. Currently, the tropical storm is north of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico and has experienced an extreme intensification. The central pressure has dropped to 897 hectopascals, placing it at number 5 on the list of lowest measured air pressure on the Atlantic.

What does this mean in wind speeds?

At this point, around the eye of the hurricane, near the eyewall, average wind gusts of 285 kilometers per hour were recorded. This means that "Milton" has strengthened to the highest hurricane category 5 within a single day. Prepare for a meteorological beast that will continue its path towards Florida.

When will it make landfall?

Landfall in Florida is projected to occur around Wednesday evening and Thursday night. A weakening is likely, but wind speeds will still exceed 200 kilometers per hour. Simultaneously, "Milton" is pushing devastating water masses ahead, including a massive storm surge, meter-high waves, and heavy rainfall. The expected water volume ranges from 150 to 300 liters per square meter.

Which areas are in focus?

The current forecasts highlight Tampa in central Florida, with a warning area spanning about 200 kilometers north and south. Approximately from Cape Coral to just short of Naples, areas are at risk, with the southern areas being the most vulnerable.

At the same time, the former Hurricane "Kirk" is heading towards Europe. What is its trajectory?

Current projections indicate "ex-Kirk" taking a more southerly route than previously anticipated. This means Portugal and northern Spain are in its path. Here, wind gusts exceeding 150 km/h can be expected on Wednesday. Galicia and northern Portugal may see up to 100 to over 200 liters of rain within a short period.

Will Germany also be affected by the storm afterwards?

At this point, it's uncertain. Some weather models predict a more southerly route towards Italy, bringing potential impact to Germany, mainly in the southwest and south. However, "ex-Kirk" will weaken as it travels further through Europe, so expect storm-force winds in the lowlands with hurricane-force gusts on mountains, all with a degree of uncertainty in the forecast models.

What rain amounts can be expected?

Rainfall predictions even precede the arrival of "ex-Kirk". Apart from the tropical guest, classic lows now bring us to "Gerda", located over the British Isles and sending outliers to France, Italy, and the Mediterranean. This results in a critical to dangerous situation, as shown by the current rainfall amounts.

Between Montpellier and Lyon, up to 160 liters of rain per square meter have fallen in the last 24 hours. For reference, that is approximately a third of Magdeburg's annual rainfall. Rainfall has already reached southern France, with 61 liters per square meter recorded in Bruchsal in 24 hours, but the storm is far from over.

Where is it rainiest now?

Offspring of "Gerda2" is causing heavy rain in the lee of the Alps. Areas affected include the French Alps, northern Italy, Switzerland, and southern Austria to Slovenia and Croatia. Regions such as Genoa, Milan, Venice, and Slovenia face the possibility of accumulating up to 150 to 250 liters per square meter in just two days. Rainfall exceeding 400 liters is not entirely unlikely.

And in Germany?

Germany may experience flooding risks as well. The western midlands have been getting rain for a while now, saturating the soil. Heavy rainfall is expected on Wednesday, with up to 30 to 60 liters, and possibly up to 100 liters in some areas, falling in 24 hours. By Thursday, an additional 40 liters may accumulate, although the exact amount is uncertain, which could lead to potential flooding in small rivers and streams. The Mosel and Rhine, however, have enough capacity to absorb these amounts.

With so many extremes: Are there any good news for our weather?

Temperatures are projected to drop below freezing at night towards the weekend, and we will experience a calmer weather with sunlight between fog and showers in the northeast on Sunday. Daily temperatures will reach between 10 and 16 degrees Celsius on Saturday and 12 to 18 degrees Celsius on Sunday. After a tumultuous weather week, this should lead to a rather pleasant weekend.

The weather in Florida is expected to be affected significantly by Hurricane "Milton," causing heavy rainfall, meter-high waves, and strong winds. Meanwhile, Europe is also experiencing severe weather conditions due to the remnants of Hurricane "Kirk," with high wind gusts and heavy rain predicted.

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