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Hurricane "Beryl" passes the Cayman Islands after Jamaica

"Beryl" devastated several smaller islands. The strongest Atlantic hurricane ever recorded in July then moved on to Jamaica. Now it's the Cayman Islands' turn.

Jamaica had prepared for "Beryl" before the storm hit the island state.
Jamaica had prepared for "Beryl" before the storm hit the island state.

Historic Caribbean storm - Hurricane "Beryl" passes the Cayman Islands after Jamaica

farther weakened, but still as a hurricane - moving over the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula.

On Jamaica, whose southern coast the storm center passed over from Wednesday evening, authorities continue to warn of possible landslides. A woman in the northern part of the island died when a tree fell on her house, according to a spokesperson for the disaster management to the US broadcaster CNN. Agriculture Minister Floyd Green wrote on the platform X, the southwestern parish of St. Elizabeth, which he represents in parliament, was heavily affected: "A significant number of roofs have been lost, houses destroyed, trees uprooted, light poles overturned, almost all roads are impassable."

Earliest strong hurricane

"Beryl", the first hurricane of the season that has ruled since June in the Atlantic, had developed rapidly into a Category 4 hurricane over the weekend and made landfall for the first time on Monday. It devastated several small islands belonging to the states of Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and made itself noticeable in other countries. At least eight people have died.

So early in the Atlantic hurricane season, which lasts half a year, there has never been such a strong storm recorded before. In the meantime, the NHC measured wind speeds of around 270 kilometers per hour - above 252 kilometers per hour is the highest category 5 reached. In the context of climate change, warmer sea water makes powerful hurricanes more likely.

  1. The Hurricane Beryl, the earliest and strongest of the season, initially affected countries like St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada in the Caribbean, causing significant damage and resulting in at least eight fatalities.
  2. Despite weakening, Hurricane Beryl continued its path, affecting St. Lucia, with reports of heavy winds and storm surges from CNN.
  3. The Hurricane Beryl also impacted neighboring islands like Barbados and Haiti, causing disruptions in their daily routines due to weather-related issues.
  4. In St. Lucia, authorities and rescue teams were working tirelessly to restore essential services and provide relief to affected communities.
  5. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC), Hurricane Beryl was expected to move towards Trinidad and Tobago, posing a potential threat to the twin-island republic.
  6. Further south, the Dominican Republic was monitoring the weather closely to prevent any potential damage from the hurricane.
  7. Venezuela, located near the Caribbean Sea, also kept a close eye on the hurricane's progress, as high winds and heavy rain could potentially impact its coastal regions.
  8. Mexico, specifically the Yucatan Peninsula, experienced the Category 1 storm, causing minor damage and inconveniences, as reported by CNN.
  9. The storm's remnants may potentially affect Jamaica, with warnings for possible rainfall, strong winds, and potential flooding issued by authorities, following the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl in other Caribbean islands.

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