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Hunter Biden convicted in firearm case.

First, the former president Trump undergoes criminal conviction, followed by the son of current president Biden also facing the same fate. This situation offers additional fuel in an already fiery US election season.

If convicted, Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison.
If convicted, Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison.

Hunter Biden, the child of the current US President, has been found guilty in a significant trial for possessing illegal guns. A group of fellow citizens announced the verdict on Tuesday in the court of Wilmington, Delaware. This judgment could put extra strain on President Joe Biden during a highly charged election year and provide a fresh target for attacks. According to news reports, Hunter Biden is the first child of a sitting US President to be found guilty in a federal trial.

The prosecution maintained that Hunter Biden provided false information during a gun purchase in October 2018 and concealed his substance addiction at the time. The 54-year-old denied the accusations, but the twelve jurors found him guilty. He may face up to 25 years in prison. Nevertheless, it's unlikely that President Biden's son will be sentenced to such a lengthy prison term because he has no prior convictions. The sentence will be declared at a later date. Hunter Biden expressed disappointment with the decision.

Added Pressure on President Biden

The verdict intensifies the pressure on President Joe Biden, who plans to move back into the White House after the upcoming presidential elections in November. The Republicans see this as political ammunition. Several Republicans, without presenting any evidence, accuse the Bidens of various criminal offenses. President Biden's former rival, Donald Trump, running for office again, said that the prosecution of Biden's son was a distraction from the real crimes perpetrated by the Biden family. "The rule of the corrupt Joe Biden over the criminal empire of the Biden family" will end at the presidential elections, his campaign team stated.

President Biden responded following the verdict: "I'm the President, but I'm also a father." He is proud of the man Hunter has become. The Democrat announced his acceptance of the decision. However, his son might appeal the decision. Biden had earlier stated that he would not pardon his son in case of a guilty verdict. Biden is using this gesture to portray himself strongly in opposition to his opponent Trump.

Convicted Politician

Trump was found guilty by a jury in New York state two weeks ago for illegal campaign funding. The announcement of the sentence is pending, and if Trump is given a long prison term, it would be a serious setback for his campaign. While the Democrats aim to discredit Trump as a convicted criminal, the Republican mocks the justice system, claiming it to be a political persecution. Trump has hinted at overturning the verdict if he wins the election. In New York, he cannot do this as it's not a federal case. However, there are still other legal cases against him.

Hunter Biden has been a subject of headlines for years. Besides alcoholism and drug addiction, there are also questionable business deals or legal disputes with an ex-stripper over child support for an illegitimate child. In California, he is accused of not paying federal taxes for several years. The trial is scheduled for September. Any additional confinement near the presidential election could be a further setback for Joe Biden.

Family Members Support Hunter

After the verdict was read out in the courtroom, Hunter Biden was comforted by family members, according to the press. Naomi, his daughter, cried, revealing that his former girlfriends were also questioned. The statements revealed details about his substance addiction, which he had acknowledged in his autobiography. Hunter, however, maintains he wasn't drug-dependent during the gun purchase.

Despite not appearing in the courtroom, several other family members showed support - especially First Lady Jill Biden. She missed the verdict by a few minutes, as per the media.

Biden's Son Hunter

Hunter is Biden's son from his first marriage. When Joe Biden was younger, he lost his then-wife Neilia and their daughter Naomi in a car crash in 1972. His sons Beau and Hunter survived. Joe Biden's second wife Jill stepped in as a mother for both. In 2015, Biden's son Beau passed away due to the consequences of a brain tumor at the age of 46. Joe and Jill Biden have another daughter named Ashley together.

Biden Speaks on Gun Violence

The calendar could not have been more suitable: Just a few hours after his son Hunter was convicted of several violations of the weapons law, President Joe Biden called for more protection against gun violence at an event.

The Democrat spoke at a pre-planned event in Washington in support of tougher gun laws. In his 20-minute speech, he made no mention of his son's conviction. Instead, he advocated for stricter rules concerning the storage and purchase of weapons. His speech began an hour late.

The trials for Trump and Hunter Biden have brought up personal topics and put them under scrutiny.

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