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Hungary's ruling party opposes EU accession talks with Ukraine

Less aid from Brussels

Hungary's ruling party opposes EU accession talks with
Hungary's ruling party opposes EU accession talks with

Hungary's ruling party opposes EU accession talks with Ukraine

Hungary's ruling Fidesz party rejects the opening of EU accession negotiations with Ukraine. Prime Minister Viktor Orban should speak out against a positive decision at the EU summit next week, according to a resolution submitted to parliament in Budapest.

The EU Commission's proposal to start accession talks has not been carefully prepared. As a result, there is growing concern among the 27 EU governments that Hungary could block a decision to start accession negotiations.

Orban had already warned in November that he wanted to prevent a positive decision. The decision must be unanimous among the 27 EU heads of state and government. EU diplomats see various reasons for Orban's position. Firstly, unlike most other states in the European Union, Hungary under Orban maintains closer contacts with Russia, on which it is still dependent for energy supplies.

Secondly, Hungary wants to put pressure on the EU to release subsidies worth billions, which are being blocked by the EU Commission due to violations in the judicial system by the right-wing conservative government, for example.

Orban had also criticized the fact that the EU Commission had not yet presented a detailed analysis of the consequences that Ukraine's accession would have for the EU. He was alluding to the Russian occupation of parts of the country and the financial consequences. Many Eastern European EU states would have to expect to receive less aid from Brussels if Ukraine were to join.

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