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Hungary's Prime Minister Orban visits Trump after NATO summit

The head of government of the NATO country visited Russia, China, and now Trump in Florida as part of his "peace mission" tour. This does not sit well with the allies.

The two right-wing populists maintain a friendly relationship.
The two right-wing populists maintain a friendly relationship.

Surprise visit - Hungary's Prime Minister Orban visits Trump after NATO summit

Immediately after the NATO summit in Washington, Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban paid a visit to the former US President Donald Trump. This trip, just a week after Orban's meeting with the Russian President Vladimir Putin, could further frustrate Western allies. Hungary assumed the EU Council Presidency for a half-year term in July. A spokesperson for the European Union clarified once again that Orban was not representing the European Union during his travels. Critical words came once again from Berlin. The term "damage" was used.

The Hungarian Prime Minister published a photo of the meeting at Trump's estate Mar-a-Lago in Florida on Thursday evening (local time) on the platform X and wrote: "We discussed ways to #Peace. The good news of the day: He will solve it!" Orban had to refer to the Russian aggression war in Ukraine in the post. Trump also used his megaphone Truth Social to thank Orban for the visit. Peace is necessary, and it had better be quick, according to the Republican. "Too many people have died in a war that never should have started!"

Very Good Friends

The two right-wing populists maintain a very friendly relationship and had already met in March in Florida. At that time, Orban called his host the "President of Peace," while the American praised the Hungarians as the "best leader" of all. Nobody is better and smarter - Orban is simply "fantastic."

Orban was a guest speaker at the CPAC in Dallas two years ago. The meeting is a regular gathering of right-wing nationalists, conspiracy theorists, and the religious right. Orban's trip to the US at that time was also accompanied by a meeting with Trump. The European version of the CPAC conference was held in Budapest in the spring. The White House has not yet been visited by Orban since Joe Biden moved in.

Trump intends to move back into the White House for the Republicans after the US election in November and to replace Joe Biden as President, who is again running for the Democrats. The campaign is in the hot phase. Trump continues to claim that he can quickly end the war in Ukraine if re-elected. However, he does not specify exactly how he intends to do this.

Orban's Alone Actions Cause Trouble

Orban had already caused headlines in the days leading up to the summit. In the context of his "Peace Mission" state tour, the Prime Minister of the NATO country visited not only Russia but also China and Ukraine.

The Foreign Office criticized Orban for this once again. "These are Hungarian solo actions that we take note of with great astonishment and skepticism," said a spokesperson in the German press conference. Orban spoke only for himself on these trips and not as the EU Council President. "We'll have to see how the Hungarian Council Presidency goes. We're now on Day 12, and it's already caused significant damage."

At the NATO summit in Washington, Hungary caused another stir. The Hungarian government accused NATO partners of hypocrisy and failure in dealing with Russia's aggression against Ukraine. Specifically, Hungary's Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto criticized it as inconsistent that NATO rejects dialogue with Russia, while Israel is pressured to negotiate with Hamas. The Foreign Minister represented Orban at the summit, who had left early due to his meeting with Trump.

  1. Despite the criticism from Berlin, Viktor Orban decided to meet with former US President Donald Trump in Florida, just a week after his meeting with Vladimir Putin in Russia.
  2. At the NATO Summit in Washington, Hungary's Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto criticized NATO allies for rejecting dialogue with Russia while pressing Israel to negotiate with Hamas.
  3. Orban's meeting with Trump at Mar-a-Lago was the second time they had met in Florida, with Orban praising Trump as the "President of Peace" and Trump calling Orban the "best leader" and "fantastic."
  4. During his visit to the United States, Orban also attended the CPAC conference in Dallas two years ago, where he was a guest speaker and met with Trump.
  5. Trump intends to run for the Republican Party in the upcoming US election in November, aiming to replace Joe Biden as President and end the war in Ukraine if re-elected, without specifying his plans.
  6. Hungary assumed the EU Council Presidency for a half-year term in July, but Orban's travels were not representing the European Union, according to the EU spokesperson.
  7. Orban's recent visits to Russia, China, and Ukraine caused concern among Western allies and criticism from the German Foreign Office, who described the actions as "astonishing" and "causing significant damage."
  8. In a post on the platform X, Orban wrote about the meeting with Trump, stating that they discussed ways to achieve peace and thanking Trump for his hospitality.
  9. The Hungarian Prime Minister's relationship with Trump is not limited to personal meetings; Orban also invited Trump to speak at the European version of the CPAC conference in Budapest.
  10. Trump thanked Orban for the visit on his Truth Social platform, stating that peace is necessary and it should come quickly, as too many lives have been lost in the war in Ukraine.
  11. The US-President Joe Biden has yet to meet with Orban since moving into the White House, but the Hungarian Prime Minister continues to maintain a friendly relationship with Trump and his Republican supporters.

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