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Hungary's Prime Minister Orban pays a visit to Trump

In the framework of his "Peace Mission" tour as head of a NATO country, the Russian leader visited China - and now Trump in Florida.

The two right-wing populists maintain a friendly relationship.
The two right-wing populists maintain a friendly relationship.

Surprise visit - Hungary's Prime Minister Orban pays a visit to Trump

One week after his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and right after the NATO summit in Washington, Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban paid a visit to former US President Donald Trump in Mar-a-Lago, Florida. The Hungarian Prime Minister shared a photo of the meeting on X and wrote alongside it: "Peace Mission 5.0 (...) We discussed ways to peace. The good news of the day: He will solve it!"

The two right-wing populists have a very friendly relationship and had already met in March in Florida. At that time, Orban called his host the "President of Peace," while the American praised the Hungarians as the "best leader" ever.

Trump plans to move back into the White House as a Republican candidate after the US election in November, aiming to replace Joe Biden, who is running for the Democrats again. The campaign is in its heated phase.

Orban had caused headlines in the days leading up to the summit. As part of his "Peace Mission," the Prime Minister of a NATO country visited not only Russia but also China and Ukraine.

At the NATO summit in Washington, the Hungarian government had caused a stir right before Orban's departure for his meeting with Trump. The Hungarian government accused the NATO partners of hypocrisy and failure in dealing with Russia's aggression against Ukraine. Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto represented Orban, who left the summit early due to the meeting with Trump.

  1. During his visit to Mar-a-Lago, Viktor Orban expressed hope that Donald Trump, a potential future US President, would resolve international issues peacefully.
  2. At the NATO summit in Washington, Hungary's Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, criticized NATO partners for their handling of Russia's aggression towards Ukraine.
  3. Orban's "Peace Mission" included visits to Russia, China, and Ukraine, creating buzz in the international relations sphere.
  4. After his meeting with Putin, Orban traveled to Mar-a-Lago to meet with former US President Donald Trump in Florida.
  5. The United States of America, a key NATO member, is currently in the heated phase of its election campaign, with Donald Trump aiming to reclaim the White House as a Republican candidate.
  6. Viktor Orban and Donald Trump have a close relationship, as evidenced by their frequent meetings and mutual praise.
  7. In a photo shared on X, Orban called his meeting with Trump a part of "Peace Mission 5.0," hinting at their shared goal of promoting peace.
  8. The Hungarian government, under Orban's leadership, accused NATO partners of hypocrisy and failure in dealing with Russia's actions, causing a stir at the NATO summit in Washington.

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