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Hungary's head of government Orban urges ceasefire in Kiev

Visit to "opponent" Selenskyj

In the third year of the war, Hungary's head of government Orban (left) has now also made it to...
In the third year of the war, Hungary's head of government Orban (left) has now also made it to Kiev.

Hungary's head of government Orban urges ceasefire in Kiev

Victor Orban, a friend of the Kreml, has not changed his stance towards Russia despite the Russian attack on Ukraine in its third year. He now visits his "enemy" Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kiev to present a demand.

The Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban called for a rapid weapons truce with Russia from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during his first visit to the Ukrainian capital Kiev since the war began over two years ago. Zelenskyy countered that his country needs a "just peace."

Orban urged Zelenskyy to "quickly consider the possibility of a weapons truce" during a joint press conference. Such a truce would be "temporarily limited and would allow peace negotiations with Moscow to be accelerated," Orban said.

Despite the ongoing Russian attack war, Orban maintains close relations with Moscow. He has delayed EU sanctions against Russia and financial aid for Kiev on multiple occasions. Additionally, he criticized the EU's accession talks with Ukraine. In October 2023, Orban met with Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin at a summit in Beijing, marking the first meeting between an EU state and government head with Putin since the war began.

Visit planned for months

Zelenskyy's visit from Orban was reportedly prepared for months according to Ukrainian government sources. In contrast, other EU heads of state and government and representatives of other Western allies of Ukraine make regular solidarity visits to Kiev.

Orban took over the EU Council Presidency on a rotating basis on Monday. He said he would report his talks with Zelenskyy to the EU heads of state and government so they could make "necessary decisions."

Zelenskyy said Orban's visit to Kiev demonstrates "shared European priorities," to bring "a just peace to Ukraine and all of Europe." At the same time, Zelenskyy urged the EU to maintain its support for his country. "It is very important for all of us in Europe that the EU's support for Ukraine remains at an adequate level, including our defense against Russian terror," Zelenskyy said.

Orban counts Zelenskyy among "enemies"

The relationship between Orban and Zelenskyy has been tense since the war began. In a speech after his re-election in April 2022, Orban listed Zelenskyy among his "enemies." Zelenskyy, in turn, has repeatedly criticized Orban for his lack of support for Ukraine.

In December, Orban and Zelenskyy briefly met at the inauguration of Argentine President Javier Milei and reportedly had an "open" conversation, according to Zelenskyy. Internet videos circulated showing a heated exchange. Similar images emerged after a brief encounter at the EU summit in Brussels in the previous week.

Orban's visit to Kiev, despite labeling Zelenskyy as an "enemy", signifies a shift in Hungary's politics regarding the 'Attack on Ukraine'. This visit came after months of careful planning, contrasting with the frequent solidarity visits by other EU heads and allies to Kiev.

During the press conference, Orban proposed a 'temporarily limited weapons truce' with Russia, aiming to expedite 'peace negotiations with Moscow'. This proposal was met with Zelenskyy's emphasis on the need for a 'just peace' for Ukraine.

Despite the ongoing conflict, Hungary's relationship with Russia, under the leadership of Orban, remains close. This is reflected in Hungary's delayed imposition of EU sanctions against Russia and financial aid for Ukraine. Orban's meeting with 'Vladimir Putin' in Beijing marked the first such meeting since the war began.

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