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Hungary and Slovakia escalate oil dispute with Ukraine

Complaint letter to EU Commission

Hungary and Slovakia escalate oil dispute with Ukraine
Hungary and Slovakia escalate oil dispute with Ukraine

Hungary and Slovakia escalate oil dispute with Ukraine

New sanctions of Ukraine against Russian oil conglomerate Lukoil cause concern in the EU. The European Commission announced in Brussels that it had received a complaint letter from Hungary's and Slovakia's Foreign Ministers.

According to the report, the issue concerns the negative effects of Kiev's decision to ban the transport of Lukoil oil through Ukrainian territory. This oil was previously transported via the southern branch of the Druzhba pipeline from Russia through Ukraine to Hungary and Slovakia.

A spokesperson for the EU Commission stated that the information in the letter would be reviewed. At the request of Hungary and Slovakia, the Trade Policy Committee was also scheduled to meet on this Wednesday. From the EU Commission's perspective, there are currently no immediate effects on the security of the European Union's oil supply to be expected.

Hungary and Slovakia have been accusing Ukraine for days of violating an Association Agreement with the EU by restricting oil transit. This agreement stipulates that the transit of energy goods may not be obstructed. However, it is unclear, according to EU sources, whether Ukraine's measure could be considered security-related and therefore legitimate.

The complaint letter from Hungary and Slovakia's Foreign Ministers to the European Commission is in response to Ukraine's sanctions against Russian oil conglomerate Lukoil. The oil-dispute between Ukraine and Hungary and Slovakia could potentially impact the oil supply to the European Union, as Lukoil oil was previously transported through Ukraine to Hungary and Slovakia via the Druzhba pipeline.

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