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Hungarian leader Orban propagates false narratives before Scholz encounter

EU carries out Soros's strategy

Hungary's head of government Orban describes EPP group leader Weber as a "Beelzebub" in the service...
Hungary's head of government Orban describes EPP group leader Weber as a "Beelzebub" in the service of a "warmongering, anti-business and pro-migration coalition".

Hungarian leader Orban propagates false narratives before Scholz encounter

Hungary's Prime Minister Orban has some strong words for Germany's Chancellor Scholz ahead of their meeting today. In a recent interview, Orban described the upcoming European Union leadership under Commission President Ursula von der Leyen as a "Coalition for War and Migration." This coalition, according to Orban, consists of Conservatives, Social Democrats, and Liberals who together hold a majority in the European Parliament.

At a recent informal meeting in Brussels, EU leaders were unable to agree on the filling of the EU top jobs following the European elections on June 9. However, Orban sees this as a "pre-arranged match" between a hostile, economically aggressive, and migration-friendly coalition within the EU.

Manfred Weber, leader of the European People's Party (EPP), is said to have played a role in the formation of this coalition, with Orban labeling him as a "demon" or "devil" and a long-standing enemy of Hungary. Von der Leyen, on the other hand, is criticized as being "merely a small minister" in comparison.

Orban claims that the coalition, or the "Weberians," will carry out the so-called "Soros Plan," which allegedly aims to flood Europe with migrants and erase the Christian and national identities of European nations. According to Orban, a "population exchange" is taking place in Europe, with the number of white, Christian, tradition-conscious Europeans decreasing while the number of imported migrants increases.

The "Soros Plan" and the "population exchange" claims are part of conspiracy theories often promoted by far-right extremists. Orban's interview was recorded in Berlin, and German Chancellor Scholz is scheduled to meet with Orban later today. Hungary takes over the EU Council Presidency on July 1.

Orban also took the opportunity to criticize Germany, stating that it no longer resembles the country of ten years ago. "Germany no longer looks, smells, tastes, or feels the way it used to," he said, adding that previous generations had praised Germany as a symbol of hardworking people, well-organized work, and order. Now, Germany is a "colorful, changed multicultural world," with migrants no longer being considered "guests." "That's a significant change," Orban concluded.

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