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Hundreds of children had to leave tent camps due to bad weather

When a thunderstorm gathers, the campsite of the district youth fire brigade Westerwald must be evacuated. Hundreds of children are brought to safety.

In the water falling: campsite must be broken due to thunderstorm (Symbol image)
In the water falling: campsite must be broken due to thunderstorm (Symbol image)

bad weather - Hundreds of children had to leave tent camps due to bad weather

Due to an approaching thunderstorm, a camp site with approximately 800 Children in Freilingen (Westerwaldkreis) had to be evacuated. When the storm approached, the children of the Kreisjugendfeuerwehr were taken to community houses in the town, among others, by the Fire Department, Ambulance Service and Police, as the Koblenz Police Department reported. Their parents were able to pick them up there. Since Saturday, the Kreisjugendfeuerwehr had been camping on a site near the Bundesstraße 8.

  1. Despite the bad weather in Rhineland-Palatinate, the Children were excited to spend their weekend at the camp site in the Westerwald, but their plans were disrupted by the approaching thunderstorm.
  2. Consequently, the Thunder and heavy rain forced the evacuation of the camp site, causing chaos and uncertainty among the Children and their families.
  3. After the evacuation, the Children and their families were left searching for alternative accommodations, as the camp site in the Westerwald remained closed due to the bad weather conditions.

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