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How significantly does the EU impact our daily lives?

European elections are approaching, bringing significant choices. These decisions may have a more profound effect on our lives and daily routines in the nation than initially perceived.

European flags in Brussels: What influence does the EU have on people's everyday lives?
European flags in Brussels: What influence does the EU have on people's everyday lives?

Upcoming votes in Europe - How significantly does the EU impact our daily lives?

Glide across countries with ease: The European Union, set to have a new parliament soon, offers seamless travels, works, and calls within its 27 countries and even in some others like Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland. These benefits may only be noticed when they're gone, like the UK's exit from the EU, nicknamed Brexit, in 2020. The EU has a significant impact on the lives of citizens in multiple ways. Here's a glimpse:


No need for passports when touring the EU. A valid identification card handles the job. Plus, when traveling by car, you're good to go, as your country's driving license is recognized across borders.


Using your phone across European borders won't hike up your bills, thanks to the EU. This includes calls, texts, and data usage. On the flip side, if you're a European calling someone on vacation in another EU country, there's no additional cost for you.

Guerilla Jobs

The EU's "worker's freedom of movement" means citizens can flexibly choose where to work within the union with no additional paperwork required.

Beverly Hills for the Brain

EU universities must give equal chances to nationals and EU students abroad. The entry requirements may vary, but citizenship shouldn't be a deciding factor in acceptance. Programs like Erasmus+, for students, trainees, and apprentices, let them gather experiences elsewhere.

A Place to Relax (or Work)

EU citizens can reside in any EU country, be it for work, study, or retirement. The Brexit put an end to the freedom of movement between the UK and the EU on December 31, 2020. Since then, if you plan to study, work, or establish a residence in the UK, you must apply for visas ahead of time.

Feel Richer, Spend Richer

Exchange money before a trip then pay hefty fees? That's mostly unnecessary in the EU. Now, you can pay by Euro in 20 out of the 27 EU member states.

You're the Shopping King

The EU-wide guarantee law ensures defendants' rights. If a product's faulty, it should be repaired, replaced, or even provide a partial refund. Shoppers and sellers both have a right to a two-year warranty for free and a 14-day return policy, whether shopping in-store or online.

If you're unwell, your European Health Insurance Card assures immediate treatment in another EU country under the same conditions and prices as at home. If you're insured in Germany, check your EU card's backside for your EU version of the insurance.

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