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How equal are living conditions in Germany?

Government presents report

According to the report, the differences between the regions were greater in terms of residential...
According to the report, the differences between the regions were greater in terms of residential building density, among other things.

How equal are living conditions in Germany?

Bookstores, population density, specialized labor - the differences between structurally weaker and stronger parts of Germany are still enormous. Construction sites exist mainly in regions with population decline, as a new report shows. However, there is an apparent positive trend.

Regions with population decline currently face significant challenges in terms of equal living conditions, according to a report by the Federal Government. The Cabinet's Equality Report 2024, as presented by the Federal Government, shows that the differences between regions have decreased for a majority of the examined economic, social, and other indicators in the past years. The traffic light government emphasizes that they have not addressed these issues comprehensively so far.

According to the report, 27 out of a total of 38 equality indicators are approaching each other. These include the municipal tax revenue, unemployment rate, crime rate, birth rate and life expectancy, accessibility of the nearest supermarket, and the proportion of forest area to the total area of the 400 districts and independent cities.

However, the regions have developed further apart regarding the proportion of specialized labor and experts among socially insured employees. The differences have also grown in terms of population density, the ratio of children to bookstores, the proportion of one-person households, and the aging population.

Establishing equal living conditions is a constitutional goal

No statistically significant change occurred regarding the differences in payment between men and women (so-called Gender Pay Gap), population development, premature mortality, and the density of general practitioners.

The establishment of equal living conditions is constitutionally enshrined and therefore a state goal. The Federal Government aims to achieve this through various funding programs. The report prepared by the Ministry of Economics and Interior is intended to show the current state of affairs regarding the establishment of equal living conditions for the first time. Additionally, the effectiveness of funding programs will be presented.

Data for all 400 districts and independent cities were compared for 38 indicators. In all districts and cities, citizens were also surveyed. This is intended to link objective developments with subjective perceptions and assessments.

The traffic light government is implementing a project from the coalition agreement with the establishment of the report. Federal Minister of Economics and Climate Protection Robert Habeck (Greens) and Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) will present it at a press conference in the afternoon.

  1. Consequently, investing in infrastructure, such as crime prevention measures, could help bridge the gaps between regions in Germany, as highlighted in political discussions.
  2. The studies revealed that regions with lower crime rates often have stronger economies and higher investments in infrastructure, which suggests a correlation between crime and societal development.
  3. Amidst these challenges, efforts to reduce crime rates and improve infrastructure in underdeveloped regions have garnered attention in recent political studies, as they could contribute to achieving equal living conditions.

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