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Hostage-taker at Hamburg airport found guilty of crime.

Child aged four forcibly taken away.

The Hamburg Regional Court accused the defendant of hostage-taking, kidnapping of minors, assault...
The Hamburg Regional Court accused the defendant of hostage-taking, kidnapping of minors, assault and weapons offenses.

Hostage-taker at Hamburg airport found guilty of crime.

During a child custody battle, a 35-year-old man took his daughter to the Hamburg airport, trying to make her leave for Turkey with him. A psychiatric expert in court declared that, while he wasn't struggling with a psychosis, depression, or any personality disorder, the man displayed peculiar behavior.

In the Hamburg Regional Court case, the expert confirmed that the individual was completely accountable for his actions. This 35-year-old has no psychosis, no mood-related disorder like depression, and no character disorder, according to the expert's statement.

Despite this, the defendant possesses a unique personality, exhibiting narcissistic, self-centered, disrespectful, and arrogant characteristics. The fact that his ex-wife received custody of their shared daughter caused him significant distress. The perpetrator blamed everyone else for the situation, convinced that the world was watching his every move.

The series of events unfolded on November 4 of the previous year. The man entered his ex-wife's home in Stade, Germany, through deception, threatened her with a weapon, and took their child. He then drove with the four-year-old to the Hamburg airport, forcefully breaking through multiple barriers with a rental vehicle and reaching the runway. Here, he set off two firecrackers, fired three shots into the air, and threatened to detonate a fake explosive belt.

After 18 hours of tension, negotiations, and altercations, he ultimately gave up and was apprehended. The supposed explosive belt proved to be fraudulent. The public prosecutor's office is accusing the man of kidnapping, taking minor children away from their mother, attempted harm to the body, and several weapon-related offenses. The man admitted most of the offenses in court.

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