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Hostage release: Hamas wants new negotiations after war

Saleh al-Aruri from Hamas rejects negotiations on the release of hostages during the war. Israel and Hamas have different information about the identity of the remaining hostages.

Does not want negotiations during the war: Saleh al-Aruri (archive photo).
Does not want negotiations during the war: Saleh al-Aruri (archive photo).

Middle East - Hostage release: Hamas wants new negotiations after war

According to its own statements, the Islamist Hamas wants to continue negotiations on the release of further hostages only after the end of the Gaza war.

Saleh al-Aruri, a Hamas leader, said that only men who had served in the army and soldiers were among the remaining hostages. Israeli Defense Minister Joav Galant, on the other hand, said that there were still 15 women and two children among the hostages held by Hamas.

Last week, Israel and Hamas agreed a ceasefire for the first time, mediated by Qatar, Egypt and the USA, which was briefly extended twice. During this time, Hamas released 105 hostages, including 14 Germans, and Israel released 240 Palestinian prisoners in return. At the weekend, the Israeli army informed six Israeli families of hostages that their relatives were no longer alive.

The week-long ceasefire expired on Friday morning. Israel accused the terrorist organization Hamas of not fulfilling its obligation to release all female hostages. Hamas accused Israel of rejecting offers. Al-Aruri, who lives in Beirut, said there would be no negotiations under fire.

Thousands of demonstrators gathered in the Israeli coastal metropolis on Saturday evening and demanded the immediate release of all hostages in the Gaza Strip. Israel assumes that a total of 137 hostages are still being held in the coastal strip.

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