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Hope, that Harris wins with a strong campaign

Hubertus Heil is currently meeting with US Democrats' campaign strategists - the news of Biden's withdrawal is making waves on their phones. What are the reactions?

Hubertus Heil evaluates the US situation in Washington.
Hubertus Heil evaluates the US situation in Washington.

German perspective on USA - Hope, that Harris wins with a strong campaign

After Joe Biden's withdrawal from the race for the next US Presidency, German Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) hopes that Republican candidate Donald Trump will lose the election for the White House. "The news of Biden's decision holds historical significance," Heil said in a dpa-Video interview in Washington. "This is now an open presidential race again, and that has implications for us in Germany and Europe."

A Special Moment in Washington

When Biden announced via social media platforms Instagram, Facebook, and X that he would no longer run in the November election, Heil was in Washington with Democratic campaign strategists and strategists. Suddenly, the phones of the Bidens in the room beeped. There was a sigh of relief - and the hope that Biden's running mate Kamala Harris would lead the Democrats to victory.

Heil, duty-bound to protocol, acknowledged that the German government had worked well with the Trump administration and was prepared for all scenarios. "But I can say that the relief here in Washington among observers at the news of this decision is very, very great." Biden, due to his age, probably had little chance left to hear the plans of the Democratic campaign strategists in person.

Heil on his personal hope

"I have great respect for Biden's decision. It's a big step for a great man who has achieved much for his country and the world," Heil said. Now it's "an open race again." Democrats had also won in other countries where right-wing populists had lost - in France, for example, in Great Britain, and in Poland. "That gives courage that these elections here can also go well."

Heil joined his Democratic conversation partners with the assessment that now a countermove through the uncertain party would take place. "I assume that the observers are right: The Democrats will not disintegrate, but will come together and want to win this election."

The German government must prepare for everything. "We hope for the best and must also reckon with the difficult. But of course, my personal sympathies, as a Democrat, as a Social Democrat, are with Kamala Harris, and I hope she will be able to win with a strong campaign."

  1. Regarding the U.S. Elections 2024, the SPD's Labor Minister Hubertus Heil expressed hope that Donald Trump, a potential Republican candidate, would not secure the White House.
  2. Heil was in Washington at the time of Biden's announcement, which he learned about through social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
  3. The news of Biden's withdrawal was significant, as it opened up the presidential race once again, with implications for Germany and Europe.
  4. Heil acknowledged the positive relationship between the German government and the Trump administration, but expressed relief at Biden's decision, noting the overwhelming sentiment of relief among Washington observers.
  5. Heil praised Biden's decision, calling it a significant step for a respected leader who has made significant contributions to his country and the world.
  6. With Biden out of the race, Heil believed that the Democrats would regroup and focus on winning the election, citing victories of left-wing candidates in other countries as a source of hope.
  7. As a Democrat and a Social Democrat, Heil expressed his personal sympathies with Biden's running mate Kamala Harris, and hoped that she would win the election with a strong campaign.
  8. Despite his sympathies, Heil recognized the need for the German government to prepare for all scenarios during the U.S. Elections 2024, expressing hope for the best but also being cognizant of potential challenges.
  9. The German Federal government, under the leadership of Heil, will continue to engage with the political landscape of the United States of America, regardless of who becomes the next President.

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