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Hiking tour with grandchild: German falls to death in Tyrol

A grandfather from Lower Saxony undertook a challenging tour in the Austrian Alps with his grandson. In a 40 degree steep passage, the 78-year-old lost his footing.

The Wild Kaiser. In this mountain range in Tirol, a fatal accident occurred. (Archive photo)
The Wild Kaiser. In this mountain range in Tirol, a fatal accident occurred. (Archive photo)

Avalanche - Hiking tour with grandchild: German falls to death in Tyrol

Before the eyes of his grandson, a 78-year-old man from Lower Saxony tragically died during a challenging hike in Austria. The police reported on Friday that the man and his 17-year-old grandson had undertaken a tour in the Wild Kaiser mountains, a mountain range in Tyrol, on Thursday.

The descent from the 2,226 meter high Tuxeck led the two over a 40 degree steep mountain slope. The 78-year-old fell about 50 meters. A police spokesperson told the German Press Agency that the grandson then called his grandmother, who in turn alerted the rescue forces.

The accident occurred in a so-called schrofen

A doctor, who was flown to the accident site with a rescue helicopter, could only confirm the death of the hiker. The deceased, who was from Peine, and his grandson were taken to the valley with another helicopter. The fatal accident, according to the police, occurred in a so-called schrofen. This refers to landslide-prone, steep terrain with grass and rocks, where particularly high landslide risk exists.

The Wild Kaiser mountains, located in Tyrol, Austria, are known for their breathtaking beauty and numerous hiking trails. Despite the warnings about the potential dangers of hiking in the Alps, the 78-year-old man from Lower Saxony in Germany still opted for a challenging hike. Unfortunately, during their hike in the mountains, an avalanche or landslide-related incident resulted in a 40-degree steep mountain slope slide, leading to the man's tragic accident. The police reported that the 78-year-old fell about 50 meters, and despite the immediate efforts of his grandson and the rescue forces, he could not be saved. The incident served as a grim reminder of the need for caution while engaging in leisure activities in the Alps, and the police urged hikers to closely monitor weather conditions and stick to marked trails.

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