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Higher minimum wage in geriatric care

Employees in geriatric care have been paid more since today. A further pay rise is already planned.

The minimum wage in geriatric care has
The minimum wage in geriatric care has

Higher minimum wage in geriatric care

Around 1.3 million employees in geriatric care who receive the minimum wage will receive more money at the start of the new month. On December 1, the minimum wage per hour rose to 18.25 euros (+ 60 cents) for care professionals, 15.25 euros (+ 35 cents) for qualified care assistants and 14.15 euros (+ 25 cents) for care assistants.

A further increase is planned for May 1 of next year. From then on, skilled workers are to receive 19.50 euros, qualified assistants 16.50 euros and auxiliary staff 15.50. On July 1, 2025, the minimum wage for skilled workers will rise by a further euro, for qualified assistants by 85 cents and for auxiliary staff by 60 cents.

The increases will be implemented by decree by the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs and are based on the recommendations of the eight-member Care Commission. It is made up of employer and employee representatives from the care sector.


