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Hezbollah chief: Hamas attack "wise and courageous"

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah explicitly praises the Hamas terror attack on Israel on October 7 (archive photo).

Hezbollah chief: Hamas attack "wise and courageous"

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah addressed the public on Friday for the first time since the outbreak of the Gaza war on October 7. He said that the operation "Al-Aksa flood was one hundred percent Palestinian". The operation had been kept secret from the "Axis of Resistance". "The fact that no one knew about it proves that this battle is exclusively Palestinian," Nasrallah said.

He praised and explicitly justified the Hamas terror attack. The decision for this operation was "wise, courageous and came at the right time", said Nasrallah. Even in the first hours of the attack, it was clear that the "enemy was distracted, lost and astonished", said Nasrallah. The attack had ushered in a "new historic phase of the conflict".

The Hezbollah Secretary General addressed his supporters via video message. Gatherings were held throughout the country to listen to the speech together. In the southern suburb of Beirut alone, thousands of supporters of the Shiite organization gathered with waving Hezbollah and Palestine flags or pictures of the Secretary General. They shouted "God bless Nasrallah".

Hundreds of people also followed the Hezbollah leader's speech in the Iranian capital Tehran. Numerous government supporters gathered in central squares in the metropolis of millions to listen to the Secretary General's words.

Hassan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah chief, commended Hamas for their "wise and courageous" attack during the Gaza war, referring to the operation "Al-Aksa flood". The conflict entered a "new historic phase" due to this attack, as Nasrallah noted, with Hamas successfully catching the enemy off guard.


