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Hessen welcomes decision for new NATO installation

The Hessian state capital is drawing more attention in terms of military aid for Ukraine. This was decided by the western military alliance.

Nato will coordinate weapon deliveries and training activities for the Ukrainian forces from...
Nato will coordinate weapon deliveries and training activities for the Ukrainian forces from Wiesbaden.

Ukraine-Command in Wiesbaden - Hessen welcomes decision for new NATO installation

The Hessian state government views the NATO decision to coordinate weapons deliveries and training activities for the Ukrainian forces from Wiesbaden as a "strong signal" for the state capital and the "Hessen security site". This decision does not mean an increase in risks or dangers, stated Interior Minister Roman Poseck (CDU) in response to a query. "On the contrary: The strong US military base in Wiesbaden is a great asset for us, also in terms of our security."

The US military operates a runway approximately eight kilometers south-southeast of the city center in Erbenheim. The site, which houses numerous facilities from kindergartens to fitness studios, resembles a city within a city. For the new NATO command, an estimated 700 personnel are expected to be in service. Germany plans to provide up to 60 personnel, including a two-star general as deputy commander. It is considered very likely that the new command will come to Erbenheim - this has been explicitly confirmed by the NATO side, however.

The decision for the Wiesbaden location demonstrates that Hessen is a central location in both national and international security architecture, explained Poseck further. The federal government has the fundamental responsibility for defense matters. Hessen and the federal government have been working closely together on security issues in other areas. "Therefore, I am confident that this project will also be successful," said the Hessian Interior Minister.

The Western alliance guarantees effective support for Ukraine with the location decision. This is necessary so that the country can successfully defend itself against the Russian attack war. "Hessen has been firmly on the side of Ukraine since the beginning of the war, emphasized Poseck.

  1. The military base in Wiesbaden, operated by the United States of America, is a significant asset for Hesse in terms of security.
  2. The US is expected to deploy around 700 personnel for the new NATO command in Erbenheim, located near Wiesbaden.
  3. The CDU's Roman Poseck, the Hessian state government's Interior Minister, considers Erbenheim to be a likely location for the new NATO command due to Hesse's central role in both national and international security architectures.
  4. The NATO decision to coordinate weapons deliveries and training activities for the Ukrainian forces from Wiesbaden is viewed as a strong signal by the Hessian state government.
  5. The State government of Hesse has been working closely with the federal government on security issues, and Roman Poseck expresses confidence that this project will be successful.
  6. According to Roman Poseck, Hesse has been a firm supporter of Ukraine since the beginning of the war and welcomes the NATO decision to provide effective support for Ukraine's defense against Russia's attack war.
  7. Russia's attack war on Ukraine necessitates strong support from the Western alliance, making location decisions like Wiesbaden crucial for Ukraine's ability to defend itself.
  8. German defense policy will play a role in providing up to 60 personnel, including a two-star general as deputy commander, for the NATO command being established in Erbenheim.

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