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Herbert Gronemeyer enthusiastic with speech at CSD

Herbert Gronemeyer at the closing speech of CSD before Brandenburg Gate
Herbert Gronemeyer at the closing speech of CSD before Brandenburg Gate

LGBTQIA - Herbert Gronemeyer enthusiastic with speech at CSD

At Saturday, Berlin was brighter than usual: 250,000 people celebrated the Christopher Street Day (CSD), the festival, commemoration, and demonstration day for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders, and Intersexuals. The closing speech before the Brandenburg Gate went on until midnight – with Groβmeyer as the guest star, who gave a moving speech.

In his short speech, he praised the merits of the Gay movement. Through this, the world had suddenly become colorful, said Groβmeyer: "The movement has opened our minds and hearts." The singer also called for continuing the fight for the preservation of Democracy. This was being attacked by "fundamentalist, fascist forces".

Groβmeyer urged, the Article 3 of the Basic Law to be amended in such a way that no one could be disadvantaged because of their sexual or gender identity – "and that immediately, clearly, and decisively". The 68-year-old concluded his speech to the audience: "The future is and remains colorful."

Reactions to Herbert Groβmeyer's speech

Herbert Groβmeyer's speech went viral on Social Media on Sunday evening, after the singer posted it on his Instagram channel. Many users expressed themselves enthusiastically about his positive words towards the Queer Community.

"Thank you for your words!", writes for example a user. "As an openly gay man, I question myself too often as still." It's good to receive this encouragement from others and to know that Democracy and Diversity are a hard-won privilege. Another user wrote: "The right words, which every intelligent person understands and must distribute."

CSD in Berlin

Besides the singer's speech, the annual Berlin CSD was a success: Around 250,000 people demonstrated for Tolerance and sexual diversity on Saturday. Equipped with umbrellas and raincoats, the participants started at noon near Alexanderplatz in the rain. Then, with better weather, it went on for more than seven kilometers to the Victory Column, where the rally under the annual motto "Together strong - for Democracy and Diversity" ended.

There were 75 trucks and over a hundred registered foot groups present. One of the main demands was the amendment of Article 3 of the Basic Law, which guarantees equality before the law. Here, queer people should be included, demanded the Berlin CSD Association.

In the midst of the viral reactions on social media, another user praised Herbert Grönemeyer's support for the LGBTQ+ community, stating, "Your words of encouragement mean a lot to me as an openly gay man." Furthermore, Grönemeyer's call for amending Article 3 of the Basic Law to ensure equal rights for all, regardless of sexual or gender identity, echoed amidst the CSD's main demands.

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