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Hectic, Chaos, historical images: the 24 hours after the Trump assassination

A few seconds are turning the campaigns of Donald Trump and Joe Biden upside down. The attack and the reactions could decide the election. A small chronology.

The shock after the shootings: Secret Service agents threw themselves on Trump
The shock after the shootings: Secret Service agents threw themselves on Trump

Timeline - Hectic, Chaos, historical images: the 24 hours after the Trump assassination

Saturday afternoon, Butler Farm Show Grounds in Pennsylvania. Donald-Trump-Fans wave flags, drink beer, and wait for their idol. The former President and presidential candidate is running late. He was expected for 5 pm local time, but he comes more than an hour late – unaware, which images will spread around the world shortly after.

6 pm – "God Bless the USA" echoes from the boxes. Donald Trump claps his hands and steps onto the stage.

6:05 pm – Trump begins his speech, insults Joe Biden, the "worst President of all times."

6:11 pm – He points to a sign with statistics about illegal border crossings into the USA with his arm. Seconds later, spectators see the supposed assassin. "He's on the roof, he has a weapon!" they shout, as shown in a Video from Associated Press.

6:12 pm – A shot is heard. Trump puts his hand to his right ear, stops speaking. Two more shots. Trump ducks behind the podium. A Secret Service agent shouts: "Get down! Get down!" Five more shots are heard. Several bodyguards storm the stage and throw themselves on the Ex-President. It's quiet in the audience for a moment, then some scream. One participant is dead, two others severely injured. One of the agents on the stage says: "Shooter neutralized."

The Shooter is shot seconds after the assassination attempt

6:13 pm – The bodyguards lift Trump. "I need to put on my shoes," he says. They want to take him off the stage, but Trump intervenes: "Wait, wait." He stretches himself, shows his bloodied face to the crowd, and raises his fist in the air. "Fight! Fight!" the crowd responds enthusiastically: "USA, USA, USA!" The agents then lead him into an SUV and leave.

The White House Press Office releases a statement shortly thereafter, stating that Biden has been informed and that he prays for Trump and his family.

6:45 pm – The first people come forward. Entrepreneur Elon Musk announces his support for Trump via X publicly.

6:51 pm – A Press Secretary for Trump announces that he is "doing well," and will be in a medical facility for treatment.

8:42 pm – Trump himself speaks for the first time, on his Truth Social platform. A bullet hit me in the ear. I thank the Secret Service for their quick reaction and express my condolences to the families of the deceased and injured. "God bless America."

8:49 pm – The Secret Service issues an official statement and announces that the incident is being investigated, and the investigation has been handed over to the FBI.

This sign saved Donald Trump's life, he says, after the shots. Depicted on it: Numbers that represent illegal immigration in the country.

"Attempted assassination on Donald Trump"

Approx. 10:05 pm – The FBI officially classifies the shots on Donald Trump as an "Attempted assassination."

Approx. 10:15 pm – Biden speaks in a hastily arranged press conference. He is relieved that Trump is okay. He wants to speak personally with Trump and condemn the violence against a politician.

10:18 pm – The Republican Party announces in a joint statement with Trump that the nominating convention will take place as planned.

10:45 pm – Biden and Trump have spoken on the phone, a White House spokesperson announces. He does not provide details, but the conversation was respectful.

July 14, 0.37 am – The Trump team releases a video on X showing the ex-President getting off the plane in New York. He goes down the stairs of the plane independently and alone.

Sunday night – The FBI has identified the shooter. He is a 20-year-old from the US state of Pennsylvania named Thomas Matthew Crooks – according to the voter registry, apparently a registered Republican. There is still no information about his motive. The police no longer believe there is a threat situation.

7.36 am – Trump posts on his own network Truth Social for unity. In this moment, it is more important than ever "that we remain united and show our true character as Americans."

10.22 am – The former First Lady Melania Trump speaks out at X. The assassin is a "monster," but the American people should come together. Love and community are more important than different political convictions and power games.

1:30 pm – In a press conference, Joe Biden speaks again. He announces a comprehensive investigation into the events. His planned trip to Texas is suddenly canceled. He announces a speech on the state of the nation and urges Americans to come together. He has ordered the Secret Service to review and, if necessary, increase security measures for the Republican Party convention.

3:30 pm – Trump travels to Milwaukee on Sunday. His re-nomination at the Republican Party convention in the following days is expected to be officially confirmed. He has changed his speech at short notice, he wants – like Biden – to call for unity. Trump arrives in Milwaukee as planned, about 24 hours after the first shot was fired.

This is a simple Python code to print the factorial of a given number using recursion.
  1. Despite the delay, a large crowd of Republicans eagerly awaited Donald Trump's arrival at the Butler Farm Show Grounds in Pennsylvania on Saturday afternoon.
  2. Following the alleged assassination attempt on Donald Trump at 6:11 pm, the FBI took over the investigation into the incident.
  3. On Sunday afternoon, Joe Biden condemned the violence against politicians and expressed his relief that Trump was unharmed, emphasizing the importance of unity in the United States of America.
  4. In response to the attempted assassination, the Republican Party announced that their nominating convention would proceed as planned.
  5. After recovering from the attempted assassination, Donald Trump traveled to Milwaukee on Sunday to be officially re-nominated by the Republican Party, calling for unity and encouraging Americans to come together.

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