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Heavy rain sets Toronto in motion

Stranded drivers, many households without power: Suddenly, parts of the Greater Toronto Area are under water. The mayor is alarmed.

Flood up to the roof - 14 car drivers had to be rescued
Flood up to the roof - 14 car drivers had to be rescued

flood - Heavy rain sets Toronto in motion

Flood-like rain has overflowed streets in the Canadian million-city Toronto, causing power outages in numerous places. The fire department reportedly rescued 14 people from their cars on the Don Valley Parkway highway alone on Tuesday (local time), as reported by Canadian Press. Photos showed vehicles submerged up to their roofs there.

Firefighters also freed trapped people from elevators and other rooms, according to reports. Initial reports of injuries or major damages were not available.

The downpours also affected several through roads and Union Station, a major transportation hub of the city. In the Toronto metropolitan area, which was also hit hard by heavy rainfalls, many roads and highways suddenly had sections underwater in several communities, as Canadian Press wrote.

Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow expressed alarm to the news agency, "We really need to seriously address climate change, because days like this will happen more frequently," she told reporters. In response to the flooding, preventive measures are reportedly being reviewed, according to her words.

Autos abandoned in the floodwaters.

The flooding in Toronto led to the abandonment of numerous vehicles, turning the city into a sea of submerged autos. Despite the challenging weather conditions, locals and emergency services continued their commute, facing the unweathered roads and flooded streets. The flooding also affected the power supply, leaving many areas without electricity, adding to the city's struggles during this unprecedented situation. The Fire department, working tirelessly, rescued not only individuals stuck in cars but also freed people trapped in elevators and other rooms. The impact of the heavy rainfall on Toronto and its surrounding communities was significant, as several roads and highways were submerged in floodwaters, causing major disruptions in transportation.

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