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Heavy rain leads to water levels reaching level 4.

Inundations in real-time updates

Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.
Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.

Heavy rain leads to water levels reaching level 4.

Extreme rain is leading to flooding in various gauges across Swabia, exceeding level 4. Moreover, the situation is worsening in Lower Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate. Neu-Ulm, Bad Held (Danube), Hasberg (Mindel), Fleinhausen (Zusam), and Fischach (Schmutter) have been reported with level 4. The gauge in Dasing (Paar) is expected to reach level 4 as well. Additionally, the Regen River in Cham, Upper Palatinate, is also experiencing hundred-year floods.

Wiblingen's (Iller) gauge is anticipated to reach its peak, level 3, on Saturday and Sunday. However, water levels have already receded below level 3 at the lower Iller. A few gauges in the northern Donau tributaries, including Wörnitz, Sulzach, Altmuhl, Schwarze Laber, and Naab, show level 1 and 2 exceedances with a rising trend. From Neu-Ulm to Kelheim, water levels are rising to level 3. In the further Donau section to Passau, level 1 and 2 increases are expected.

Despite the flooding in many parts of Bavaria, Munich Airport can continue to operate normally. No flights have been canceled as yet. The airport’s location is elevated, and the runway is sunken towards the sides, allowing water to drain. Furthermore, the runways are "grooved," facilitating water drainage. Consequently, there is no risk of aquaplaning.

Markus Söder, the Minister President, is visiting Swabia to assess the situation. He thanks the helpers and authorities and acknowledges Bavaria's capacity to handle crises. Regarding the citizens, Söder states, "This is not over yet. It's only just getting started." Resources, such as sandbags, are being concentrated in the affected areas. He appreciates the efforts of the rescue services, including fire department, Bavarian Red Cross, police, and Technical Relief Organization. He urges the public to adhere to rules and not attempt to drive their cars out of garages or enter basements.

Train traffic has also been affected by the storms and flooding in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. Deutsche Bahn reports disruptions and cancellations in southern Germany. The ICE lines between Munich, Bregenz, and Zurich are completely offline due to the flooding. The line between Ulm and Augsburg is also affected. The railway company is providing updates on tracks, cancellations, and delays on their website.

Babenhausen in Bavaria's Unterallgäu district is experiencing a disaster situation. A part of the mobile network has malfunctioned. Residents in need who cannot make emergency phone calls are advised to display a white sheet or cloth at their windows to signal their need for help. Hundreds have already been rescued from their homes in Babenhausen via inflatable boats.

400 THW (Technical Relief Organization) forces are now engaged in South Germany, as reported by the Bonn-based THW. These forces are pumping water out, securing dams, and evacuating people to safety. The THW is prepared to deploy additional forces due to the continuous and sometimes heavy rain. Mobile flood gauges will be installed and monitored by the THW. In anticipation of further flooding in the coming hours, additional THW forces are on standby, each group comprising up to 40 emergency workers and equipping them with three sewage pumps, a power generator, an exploration vehicle, and a command post, capable of pumping up to 30,000 liters of water per minute.

3:15 p.m.: Group of 26 hikers stranded near Zugspitze summit

A group of 26 hikers is said to be stuck several hundred meters below the peak of the Zugspitze. As per a report by BR, around 60cm of new snow fell on the summit in the past few hours, while heavy rain is poured down in the valley. The weather conditions are freezing cold, with visibility limited to about 100m. Rescue teams have been dispatched to find the hikers amidst the blizzard, according to BR, citing the Bergwacht Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The group is believed to be tired and likely not properly equipped. It's unknown why they attempted to climb the Zugspitze in such extreme conditions.

2:52 p.m.: Donau-Ries District declares emergency status

The Donau-Ries District in Bavaria has announced an emergency situation. This action is aimed at "bringing together all resources and acting more swiftly and efficiently in anticipation of rising water levels," says District Administrator Stefan Roßle in a statement. "It's essential to maintain calm and avoid low-lying areas as much as possible," Roßle further states.

2:20 p.m.: Breach in Dam near Augsburg, evacuation in progress

A dam and a dike have broken in the Swabian region of Augsburg. The district administration has confirmed this. Residents in certain streets in Diedorf must evacuate their homes, the district administration of Augsburg informs. The evacuation of residents in Anhausen, Diedorf is underway, the district administration of Augsburg says. "It's no longer possible to simply move to higher floors," remarks the administration. In Burgwalden, a dam has collapsed and a dike at the Anhauser Weiher has breached. All inhabitants of the affected areas are instructed to leave their homes immediately and independently within the next hour and relocate to Diedorf Schmuttertalhalle. The authorities also advise keeping clear of railway underpasses. Mortal danger exists here.

Söder and Herrmann head to the flooded region

The Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder, and the Interior Minister of Bavaria, Joachim Herrmann, are traveling to the flooded area in the Swabian district of Augsburg on Saturday. The two CSU politicians intend to handle the flood situation firsthand, as the Interior Ministry has confirmed. District Administrator Martin Sailer is also attending. The trip's location was changed due to the situation's urgent nature. Earlier, the politicians were planning to visit the also heavily affected Fischach. In Diedorf, residents' evacuation is currently being organized. The flood situation has intensified particularly in Swabia, where in addition to the district of Günzburg, the districts of Augsburg and Aichach-Friedberg have now declared a state of emergency.

Flood situation in Meckenbeuren: Growing Tension

The situation in Meckenbeuren, Bodenseekreis, is tense due to increased flooding. At noon, the water level of the Schussen in Meckenbeuren was 4.72 meters high, communicated a municipal spokesperson. One hopes that the peak will arrive soon. During the last flood in 2021, the river level reached 4.50 meters. Generally, the river contains only 45 cm of water. On Friday evening, the municipality with 14,000 inhabitants had recommended evacuating one's home as a precaution. Most residents went to stay with friends or family, while a few opted for the emergency shelter. To forestall any flooding damage, schools, kindergartens, and halls were cleared out earlier. The municipality also closed some bridges preemptively.

Edit: Corrected a formatting error. The original text used "it's" instead of "it is".

Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.

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