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Health-related issues prompt Höcke's avoidance of TV appearances

Thuringia's AfD front-runner Bjørn Höcke has annulled his scheduled TV appearance and other engagements on Wednesday due to health concerns. The party has reported that he intends to participate in other functions.

Thuringia's leading AfD candidate, Björn Höcke, encounters health issues, causing him to forgo his...
Thuringia's leading AfD candidate, Björn Höcke, encounters health issues, causing him to forgo his anticipated role in a televised debate, as per party declarations.

Thuringia's AfD head honcho Björn Höcke announced his absence from TV due to health issues, as per his party statement. Stefan Möller, the AfD's co-spokesperson for Thuringia, informed the German Press Agency, explaining, "It's the current rigorous burden of the campaign trail." Höcke is experiencing some health hiccups, hence the need to distribute tasks among team members. Möller noted that Höcke has numerous duties ahead and needs to handle them effectively.

Previously, ntv reported that Höcke would not partake in the scheduled TV debate with ntv and Antenne Thuringia. In his place, Möller would take part in the discussion. Torben Braga, the press representative for Thuringia's AfD, stated that Höcke had called off all his Wednesday meetings, but would continue with the rest of his agenda. "He'll be back to health tomorrow."

As per ntv, Höcke had previously canceled his appearance on Monday, then rescheduled for Tuesday, only to cancel again on Wednesday morning.

Affirming the news, AfD leader Alice Weidel shared an image of herself and Höcke with Erfurt Cathedral in the background. The duo plans to appear together at the election campaign's finale on the cathedral square, the heart of Thuringia's capital, on Saturday. Möller confirmed that Höcke intends to make this public appearance.

The Commission, in adherence to the Regulation, is expected to adopt implementing acts detailing the application rules. Despite his health issues, Höcke intends to participate in the election campaign finale as planned by him and Weidel.

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