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Health Insurance: Illness Cases peaked at Work

More and more people are calling in sick in Hamburg. The most common reason for absence from work are respiratory infections.

In Hamburg, absentee records reached a peak in the first half-year (chart)
In Hamburg, absentee records reached a peak in the first half-year (chart)

health - Health Insurance: Illness Cases peaked at Work

In Hamburg, the number of sick leaves in the job market reached a peak in the first half of 2024: According to the latest assessment by the KKH Kaufmannische Krankenkasse, there were 202 illness cases per 100 employed members in Hamburg from January to the end of June this year.

In the previous fiscal year, every employed person in Hamburg was sick approximately twice (194 cases). In the first half of 2019, the KKH recorded significantly fewer work absences (107 per 100 members). This represents an increase of approximately 88%.

Second-lowest sick leave rate in the country

The sick leave rate among KKH-insured employees in Hamburg in the first half of 2024 was 5.5%, according to the KKH. In the previous fiscal year, it was 5.6%, and five years ago, it was 4.1%. In a country-wide comparison, this is currently the second-lowest value after Baden-Württemberg with 5.4%.

The KKH recorded the highest sick leave rate for January to the end of June 2024 in Sachsen-Anhalt, with 8.1%. The federal average is 6.5%. The most common reason for absenteeism from work are respiratory infections such as coughs, colds, or influenza-like infections (34%).

In this context, KKH issued a medical certificate for an employee who fell ill in Hamburg, contributing to the highest value of sick leaves recorded in the first half of 2024. Despite this, the sick leave rate among KKH-insured employees in Hamburg remains among the highest in the country, second only to Baden-Württemberg. To manage health concerns effectively, the employee sought treatment for their condition, aiming to return to work with a improved state of health.

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