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Harris looking for a vice - Possible candidates

Until the weekend, Harris was the second Democrat in the race for the White House. Now she is expected to advance to first place - and must find a vice presidential candidate.

The 52-year-old is the Governor of Michigan.
The 52-year-old is the Governor of Michigan.

US election campaign - Harris looking for a vice - Possible candidates

US Vice President Kamala Harris will become the Democratic Party's presidential candidate after Joe Biden's withdrawal. With this, her role in the campaign is now vacant - she needs to choose a running mate or a running mate herself. Which one could she bring to her side for the election on November 5? It would be tactically smart if Harris chose a running mate from a contested state. Swing States are states that cannot be reliably assigned to either the Republicans or the Democrats. However, nothing is decided yet. Here's an overview of the names being discussed:

  1. Gretchen Whitmer

The 52-year-old is the Governor of the swing state Michigan. Whitmer's name also came up in discussions about Biden's succession. Now she has endorsed Harris. The jurist has a long political career. She was in the shortlist of Biden's vice presidential candidates in 2020. Due to her relatively strict coronavirus politics, she has become an enemy figure for many Republicans. Headlines were also made when several men were arrested who had planned her kidnapping.

  1. Josh Shapiro

The 51-year-old has been the Governor of the swing state Pennsylvania since 2023 - also a swing state. Before that, he was the Attorney General in that state. That means he is relatively new on the national political stage. Shapiro is considered moderate and very popular. He has been talked about for higher offices for a longer time. After Biden's withdrawal, he has been hesitant to endorse Harris.

  1. Gavin Newsom

The 56-year-old Governor of the liberal US state of California has been eyeing the White House for a long time. His name also came up in discussions about Biden's succession. He is considered eloquent and well-connected and was once Mayor of San Francisco. His ex-wife Kimberly Guilfoyle is engaged to Donald Trump Jr. - the son of the Republican challenger Donald Trump. He has now also pledged his support to Harris. His major disadvantage is that he, like Harris, comes from California.

  1. Pete Buttigieg

Buttigieg made headlines as a contender for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020. Today, the 42-year-old is Transportation Secretary in Biden's Cabinet and the first openly gay federal minister of the USA. However, there is criticism of his performance in this office. When a train carrying hazardous chemicals derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, in mid-2021, Buttigieg reacted very late. Trump used this for a sensational campaign rally in the affected area.

  1. Andy Beshear

The 46-year-old is the Governor of the state of Kentucky. In presidential elections, the state usually votes for the Republican candidate. The "Washington Post" reports that Beshear has "fascinating bipartisan appeal". Before he became Governor, Beshear was the Attorney General of the state. Beshear's father was also Governor of Kentucky.

  1. J.B. Pritzker

The 59-year-old is the Governor of Illinois - a state that is firmly in the hands of the Democrats. The billionaire comes from a wealthy family. The lawyer has invested in tech startups and is considered well-connected. He has invested significant sums of his own money in his campaigns. However, he is not well-known nationally.

  1. Joe Manchin

A West Virginia Senator from the conservative state switched parties and registered as an Independent a few months ago. Among Democrats, he was known as an obstacle and derailed some of Biden's legislative plans. The 76-year-old, however, made it clear he doesn't intend to run as an independent candidate for the Presidency. Manchin has a large political experience. A conservative running mate for Harris could be difficult to imagine, but it could bring advantages among certain voter groups.

  1. Mark Kelly

Mark Kelly, a 60-year-old former astronaut, has won the Senate seat in the state of Arizona twice - a huge success for the Democrats. Arizona is also an important battleground state in Presidential elections. Kelly is well-known to Americans because he is the husband of former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. She fought her way back to life after an attack in 2011 and is one of the loudest advocates for stricter gun laws.

  1. The US-President Joe Biden's withdrawal has left a vacancy in the Democratic Party's presidential campaign for the upcoming election on November 5.
  2. Kamala Harris, the US Vice President and the party's new presidential candidate, is now responsible for choosing a running mate.
  3. Gretchen Whitmer, the 52-year-old Governor of the swing state Michigan, is being discussed as a potential running mate for Harris.
  4. Whitmer has endorsed Harris and was a contender for the vice presidential spot in 2020, but her strict coronavirus politics have made her an enemy figure for many Republicans.
  5. Josh Shapiro, the 51-year-old Governor of the swing state Pennsylvania, is also being considered as a potential running mate for Harris.
  6. Shapiro is considered moderate and popular, but he has been hesitant to endorse Harris after Biden's withdrawal.
  7. Michigan and Pennsylvania are both swing states that could potentially tip the balance in the US Presidential election.
  8. Pete Buttigieg, the 42-year-old Transportation Secretary and former contender for the Democratic presidential nomination, is also being discussed as a potential running mate for Harris.
  9. Andy Beshear, the 46-year-old Governor of the state of Kentucky, is another name being floated as a potential running mate for Harris.
  10. The Republicans, led by Donald Trump, will be mounting a strong campaign for the US Election 2024.
  11. California, a liberal US state, has produced several prominent Democrats, including Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom, who is eyeing the White House.

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