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Hamas: Hundreds killed in new Israeli attacks

The Israeli air force has intensified its bombardment of targets in the north and south of the densely populated coastal strip. There are numerous bodies among the rubble.

Israeli artillery fires in the direction of the Gaza Strip.
Israeli artillery fires in the direction of the Gaza Strip.

Middle East - Hamas: Hundreds killed in new Israeli attacks

According to Palestinian reports, hundreds of people have been killed in new Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip. A spokesperson for the Hamas authority announced that around 700 people had been killed in attacks throughout the Gaza Strip within 24 hours. The figures cannot be independently verified at present.

The spokesman reported numerous bodies under rubble. There were also great difficulties in rescuing the injured and transporting them to hospitals. No place in the Gaza Strip is currently safe.

An Israeli army spokesman had called in Arabic on the inhabitants of certain residential areas in the south of the Gaza Strip to leave them and flee to other designated areas. Following the end of a ceasefire, the Israeli air force once again intensified its bombardment of targets in the north and south of the densely populated coastal strip.

The war was triggered by the worst massacre in Israel's history, carried out by terrorists from the Islamist Hamas and other extremist groups on October 7 in Israel near the border with the Gaza Strip. More than 1200 people were killed on the Israeli side, most of them civilians.

As a result,Israel has set itself the goal of ending the rule of the terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip and eliminating its military capabilities. According to the Hamas health authority, well over 15,000 people have already been killed in the attacks, many of them civilians.

Read also:

  1. The ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, specifically in the Palestinian territories, have resulted in significant debris in the Gaza Strip, making it challenging to rescue the injured after Israeli Air Force attacks.
  2. The Israeli army's spokesperson advised residents in certain areas of the Gaza Strip to evacuate and seek safety in designated areas, following the resumption of intense bombardments by the Israeli Air Force.
  3. The latest round of conflicts between Israel and Hamas, triggered by the October 7 massacre near the Israeli-Gaza Strip border, has led to thousands of casualties in the Gaza Strip, according to the Hamas health authority.
  4. The Gaza Strip, a densely populated coastal strip, has been a focal point of the ongoing tensions and conflicts between Israel and Hamas, including the Islamist militant group Harakat el-Mukawame el-Islamije.
  5. The Israeli government aims to dismantle the rule of Hamas in the Gaza Strip and neutralize its military capabilities, marking a significant escalation in the Middle East's long-standing tensions and wars.


