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Hamas collected sensitive data of 2000 IDF soldiers

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Israeli soldiers are in combat deployment in Gaza Strip.
Israeli soldiers are in combat deployment in Gaza Strip.

Hamas collected sensitive data of 2000 IDF soldiers

For months, they have been circulating on the internet: The terrorist organization Hamas apparently created personal files for around 2000 Israeli soldiers. According to an international investigative team, Hamas has reportedly compiled detailed dossiers on over 2000 Israeli female soldiers and soldiers.

This information was reported by an international investigative group consisting of German media outlets such as "Zeit" and ZDF, as well as the Israeli daily "Haaretz" and the Austrian "Standard". These dossiers allegedly contain not only names, but also birthdays, phone numbers, or email addresses and passwords.

Each of these 2000 files reportedly bears an olive-green title page, a cross symbol, and the logo of the Kassam Brigades, the military wing of the terrorist organization, according to "Zeit". The Israeli army is reportedly aware of these documents. The IDF stated in response to inquiries that the incident is known and that they had dealt with it months ago. According to "Zeit", these dossiers were not created before October 7th, but only afterwards. The title suggests "For the revenge against the killers of the children of Gaza."

According to "Zeit", a total of 211,000 people are mentioned in the lengthy PDF data sets. This is due to the fact that the dossiers are structured similarly to personal files: starting with phone numbers or account connections, followed by email addresses, and ending with Facebook profiles and relatives. According to the reports, two-thirds of the affected soldiers and soldiers are under 30 years old. This is exactly the age group currently in combat in the Gaza Strip, writes the ZDF.

Meanwhile, it is unclear where the data exactly originated. According to the reports, these dossiers have been circulating on the internet since December 2023. A group of hacker activists reportedly made them public a week ago. The ZDF writes that the Hamas may have referred to public leaks. It is not excluded that some of the data may have come from a hack. It is also possible that they did not come from a highly secured computer of the Israeli army, but from civilian institutions, writes the "Zeit".

The international investigative team reportedly checked the data samples. They found that while some phone numbers matched, many were outdated or incorrectly assigned. For example, some numbers did not belong to the soldiers and soldiers, but to their parents. However, some calls or WhatsApp messages reportedly went through.

According to Israeli security sources, "most, but not all" of the affected soldiers were informed about the leak. Each soldier was then supposed to decide for themselves whether to inform their dependents. Some of the soldiers and soldiers contacted by the investigative team reportedly showed no reaction to the fact that their data had fallen into the hands of Hamas.

  1. The ongoing Israel-War and the conflict in the Gaza Strip have once again brought Politics into sharp focus, as terrorist organizations like Hamas are accused of collecting sensitive information.
  2. In the midst of Wars and Conflicts, the latest allegation against Hamas involves the creation of personal files for over 2000 Israeli soldiers, including their contact details, which have been circulating online.
  3. Despite the ongoing tensions between Israel and Hamas, it remains unclear how the sensitive data of over 2000 Israeli soldiers, including their phone numbers and email addresses, ended up in the hands of the terrorist organization.

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