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Hamas claims responsibility for attack in Jerusalem

Call for "escalation"

Both attackers were killed after being
Both attackers were killed after being

Hamas claims responsibility for attack in Jerusalem

At least three people die in a gun attack in Jerusalem, including both assassins. A short time later, the terrorist organization Hamas claims responsibility for the attack. There is also an incident in the West Bank.

The militant Islamist Palestinian organization Hamas has claimed responsibility for the shooting attack in Jerusalem that left at least three people dead and called for an "escalation of resistance". The attack by two brothers who were killed was "a natural response to the unprecedented crimes committed by the occupying forces in the Gaza Strip and against children in Jenin", Hamas said.

Three people were killed in the attack on the western outskirts of Jerusalem in the morning. According to the Israeli rescue service Magen David Adom, one of the fatalities was a 24-year-old woman. Six other people were injured, three of them seriously, according to the Israeli police. According to the police, the attackers were two Hamas-affiliated brothers in their 30s who had already been detained by Israel in the past.

According to the police, the two attackers came from East Jerusalem, which is annexed by Israel. The "two terrorists" had driven up in a car, armed with an M16 assault rifle and a pistol, and then opened fire, Jerusalem police chief Doron Torgeman told journalists. A police statement said the two attackers were "quickly killed by gunfire from two off-duty soldiers and a civilian". During a search of the attackers' vehicle by police, ammunition and weapons were found," it added.

Just a few hours later, there was an attack on a checkpoint in the West Bank. Two soldiers were slightly injured and the attacker was "neutralized" with gunfire, according to the Israeli army. The soldiers searched the surrounding area for other suspects.

The attacks took place shortly after the ceasefire in the war between Israel and the radical Islamic Palestinian organization Hamas was extended on Friday following the latter's brutal attack on Israel on 7 October. The Israeli army has also stepped up its operations in the West Bank. Violence by extremist Jewish settlers against Palestinians has also increased since then.

Hamas' claim of responsibility for the Jerusalem attack escalates tensions, as they vow to increase resistance in response to Israeli actions in the Gaza Strip and Jenin. Subsequently, Hamas-affiliated individuals orchestrated a deadly shooting in the West Bank, further highlighting the ongoing violence and instability in the region.


