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Haley and DeSantis bolster Trump - Message of Unity

Donald Trump is officially thePresidentially candidat, J.D. Vance is his deputy - now the Republican campaign can really get underway. Former rivals offer support.

Donald Trump celebrated again at the Republican Party convention with J.D. Vance, the newly...
Donald Trump celebrated again at the Republican Party convention with J.D. Vance, the newly anointed vice-presidential candidate by his side.

Republican Party Congress - Haley and DeSantis bolster Trump - Message of Unity

Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis, once bitter political opponents of Donald Trump, publicly endorsed him at the Republican Convention and called for unity. "First, I want to make one thing clear: Donald Trump has my full support. Period", Haley stated. She was greeted with a mixture of cheers and boos - the crowd applauded enthusiastically, however, as Haley immediately backed Trump.

The 78-year-old appeared earlier than initially announced by the party and listened to the speeches of his former rivals in person. He wore a white bandage on his right ear again after the weekend's attack. Trump looked significantly fitter on the second day of the Republican spectacle and raised his fist several times into the air and pointed to the cheering crowd. The crowd pressed forward to get a closer look.

Trump's public support from his former opponents at the Republican Convention is a significant success for him. Both DeSantis and Haley had previously announced their support. However, their appearances at the Milwaukee Convention were crucial - the ranks were expected to close further behind the former President.

"We have a country to save"

Haley addressed Trump skeptics in her speech. "We should acknowledge that there are some Americans who do not agree with Donald Trump one hundred percent. I know some of them, and I want to speak to them tonight", she said. She also identified herself as one of them, the former Governor of the US state of South Carolina. "I am here tonight because we have a country to save, and a united Republican Party is essential to saving it."

Trump's former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations had waged a lengthy battle for the Republican presidential nomination against Trump, but was ultimately unsuccessful and conceded. Immediately after her withdrawal, Haley publicly refused to endorse Trump.

Haley questioned Trump's fitness for the presidency during the primary campaign, and Trump made derogatory comments about the daughter of Indian immigrants. The relationship between Trump and Haley was considered so poor that President Joe Biden even courted her support and praised her courage for standing up to Trump.

"Send Joe Biden back to his basement"

DeSantis had also considered a presidential bid but dropped out of the race in January. Unlike Haley, he immediately endorsed Trump. However, the relationship between Trump and the Governor of Florida remained strained - they had clashed fiercely during the primary campaign. "Send Joe Biden back to his basement and Donald Trump back to the White House", DeSantis said under thunderous applause in Milwaukee.

At the convention, Trump's control over the entire party was once again evident. The appearances of Haley and DeSantis reinforced this. "Everyone is rallying around the same person. It's very reassuring to see this unity", said Delegate Bill Swenson from the state of Nebraska.

Trump was officially nominated as the Republican presidential candidate by the party on Monday at the beginning of the convention and is expected to face off against Democratic incumbent Biden in the November election. Trump's nomination was a formality, as he had already won the necessary delegate votes in the primaries. His major speech will be held on Friday night in the U.S.

Trump announced at the beginning of the convention that he had selected Senator and bestselling author J.D. Vance as his candidate for the position of Vice President. The 39-year-old took a bath in the crowd, and on Tuesday evening (local time), he was cheered again. When he came into the hall, the Country song "America First" was playing. People held signs with the inscription "Trump Vance" high, in the corridors, T-Shirts with the names of the duo were being sold.

Trump loyalist and sharp-tongued Vance is said to get along particularly well with Trump's son Don Jr. During a rehearsal, Vance and Don Jr. joked with each other comfortably. Trump's wife Melania and daughter Ivanka, however, did not make a public appearance.

"Not even a bullet from a gun could stop you"

The Republican was injured by a shooting incident during a campaign event over the weekend. A supporter was killed, two others were injured. The shooter was shot dead. The incident was an escalation in the already heated US election campaign. "Not even a bullet from a gun could stop you," said Trump's former White House spokesperson, Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Amidst the extremely high security measures at the convention, a fatal incident occurred in a residential area near the event site. As reported by US media, police shot and killed a man armed with knives in the afternoon (local time). Police reports indicated that the incident had nothing to do with the convention.

Chaos among the Democrats

While the Republicans in Milwaukee demonstrated unity, chaos was brewing among the Democrats before the convention. Amidst the discussion about Biden's age and fitness, the leadership of his party was making plans to nominate the 81-year-old in a few weeks before the convention in Chicago as the presidential candidate on a virtual platform. The party leadership explained the reason as ensuring that Biden is on the ballot in all states for the presidential election in November. There is criticism among Democrats in Congress about this approach.

Biden is currently under heavy pressure from his own ranks. Several democratic representatives had called on him to withdraw from the presidential race in the past few weeks. Many others expressed serious concerns about his re-election chances. Biden had already won the presidential primaries of his party in the states - without real competition - months ago. He must, however, be officially nominated as a candidate for the actual presidential election in early November by delegates from all states. That is planned in Chicago.

  1. Haley, despite her initial reservations about Trump, acknowledged his necessity for the country and the Republican Party during her speech at the Milwaukee Convention.
  2. DeSantis, despite having considered a presidential bid himself, endorsed Trump at the Republican Convention, echoing his call for Joe Biden's removal from the White House.
  3. The endorsement of Trump by DeSantis and Haley was a significant boost for his campaign in the upcoming US Elections 2024.
  4. Nikki Haley, the former Ambassador to the United Nations, had a contentious relationship with Trump during the primary campaign, but she emphasized the importance of a united Republican Party for the preservation of the nation.
  5. The Republicans exhibit a remarkable level of unity at the convention, with even Haley, a Trump critic, publicly pledging her support for the former President.
  6. In Milwaukee, Trump's former opponents DeSantis and Haley demonstrated their allegiance to him, further strengthening his position within the Republican Party.
  7. The appearance of Haley and DeSantis at the convention served to unify the party, with Delegate Bill Swenson from Nebraska expressing his relief at seeing such unity.
  8. As the Republicans rally behind Trump, the Democrats seem to be grappling with chaos, with controversy brewing over Biden's age and fitness to lead the party.

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