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Halemba keeps AfD leadership busy

The youngest member of the Bavarian state parliament is being investigated for incitement of the people, among other things. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution has also become active in the meantime.

The AfD's Federal Executive Committee will discuss the case of Bavarian politician Daniel
The AfD's Federal Executive Committee will discuss the case of Bavarian politician Daniel Halemba next week.

Right-wing extremism - Halemba keeps AfD leadership busy

The Daniel Halemba case continues to unfold: The accusations against the Bavarian AfD member of the state parliament for incitement of the people and other offenses are now also occupying the AfD's federal leadership. According to a spokesperson, the federal executive committee will discuss the case at a meeting next Monday evening.

According to media reports, this will also involve possible violations of AfD regulations, which Halemba is accused of as the Würzburg AfD district chairman. In addition, the Teutonia Prag fraternity in Würzburg, to which Halemba also belongs, has been under observation by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution since the beginning of December. This has also applied to the AfD as a party as a whole in Bavaria for some time.

The AfD federal executive committee has routinely requested statements from the AfD state executive committee in Bavaria, the AfD district executive committee in Lower Franconia, the state executive committee of the Junge Alternative and from one of the members concerned "in order to be able to rule out any violations of the party's rules in this matter", the spokesperson announced. The news portal t-online and the "Main-Post" had previously reported. The statements had been received in full and were now being evaluated. "Part of this evaluation will also include the allegations and investigations against a member of our party concerned."

Arrest warrant issued against conditions

The public prosecutor's office in Würzburg is investigating Halemba for incitement of the people and the use of symbols of anti-constitutional organizations. The 22-year-old student, who last lived in Würzburg, rejects the accusations.

In the meantime, Halemba had been arrested on the basis of an arrest warrant issued by the Würzburg district court. However, the warrant was then suspended subject to conditions and Halemba was given reporting requirements and a ban on contact with other suspects. These include members of the Teutonia Prag fraternity in Würzburg, to which Halemba himself also belongs.

This fraternity has been under observation by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution since December. "The activitas of the Teutonia Prag zu Würzburg fraternity is an object of observation by the Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution," the authority announced on request. The "Main-Echo" had previously reported on this.

There were sufficiently strong indications that the activities of the fraternity were aimed against the free democratic basic order, it said.

Stickers from III. Weg stickers in common rooms

Right-wing extremist music had been played in the fraternity house. The fraternity had also used its premises to store propaganda material from the right-wing extremist Identitarian Movement. In doing so, it had emphatically supported the right-wing extremist efforts of this movement.

The extreme right-wing orientation of the group is also evident in the numerous stickers displayed in the fraternity's communal rooms with references to extreme right-wing groups such as the III. Weg party or the Identitarian Movement.

In addition, Nazi devotional objects and stickers with right-wing extremist agitation were found in the common rooms, which were particularly directed against the human dignity of people with a migration background and against the rule of law. At two events, an activist from the small neo-Nazi party III. Weg was present. In addition, there are strong personal overlaps between members of the fraternity's activitas and the Junge Alternative (JA).

Read also:

  1. The dispute surrounding Daniel Halemba, a member of the Bavarian AfD in the state parliament, continues to make headlines, with allegations of incitement of the people and other offenses now affecting the party's federal leadership as well.
  2. In addition to his role in the AfD, Halemba serves as the Würzburg AfD district chairman and is a member of the Teutonia Prag fraternity, which has been under observation by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution since December.
  3. The AfD's federal executive committee has requested statements from various levels of the party's leadership in Bavaria and Lower Franconia, as well as from Halemba himself, to rule out any violations of party rules in connection to the case.
  4. The Würzburg public prosecutor's office is investigating Halemba for incitement of the people and the use of symbols of anti-constitutional organizations, with Halemba rejecting the accusations.
  5. The arrest warrant against Halemba was initially issued, but was then suspended with conditions, including reporting requirements and a ban on contact with other suspects, including members of the Teutonia Prag fraternity.
  6. The Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution has identified indications that the activities of the Teutonia Prag fraternity are aimed against the free democratic basic order, with right-wing extremist music and propaganda material from the Identitarian Movement being found in the fraternity house.
  7. Nazi devotional objects and stickers with right-wing extremist agitation were also discovered in the communal rooms of the fraternity, directed against people with a migration background and the rule of law.
  8. Daniel Halemba's case has not only brought attention to the AfD and its district chairman from Würzburg, but also to the Teutonia Prag fraternity and the right-wing extremist activities that have been observed within the organization.




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