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Habeck has not yet decided on a Chancellor candidacy for his party

Things have to fit.

As a Chancellor candidate, Robert Habeck needs to win new voter groups for the Greens (archive...
As a Chancellor candidate, Robert Habeck needs to win new voter groups for the Greens (archive image)

Habeck has not yet decided on a Chancellor candidacy for his party

German Economy Minister Robert Habeck has not yet decided on a chancellor candidacy for his party. "I will make all decisions carefully," said the Green politician in an interview published by Wirtschaftswoche on Thursday. "Things have to fit."

Co-party leader Omid Nouripour had said on Wednesday evening that the Greens wanted to focus their campaign for the 2025 federal election on a single person. Who this would be, he left open. It is expected within the party that it will go beyond Vice Chancellor Habeck. Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock had recently stated that she would focus on her ministerial position and therefore would not be available for that.

Some pollsters have questioned whether the party should even run a chancellor candidate at all. In the surveys, the Greens have significantly declined, they were last at around 11-13%. At the European election in June, their result was almost halved to 11.9%.

Habeck's deliberations about the Chancellor candidacy for their party continue, considering that things need to align properly. Despite Omid Nouripour expressing the party's intent to focus the 2025 federal campaign on a singular figure, they have not yet identified who this may be, leaving the possibility open for others beyond Habeck.

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