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Habeck evades questions about the chancellor candidacy

The way is clear for Robert Habeck as the Green Party's chancellor candidate. However, they are in a opinion poll slump. Habeck wants to convince with 'good work'.

Habeck replied about the Green Party Chancellor candidacy: 'We have that under control'.
Habeck replied about the Green Party Chancellor candidacy: 'We have that under control'.

Federal election - Habeck evades questions about the chancellor candidacy

Economic and Climate Protection Minister Robert Habeck dodged questions about a Green Chancellor candidacy in Paderborn. Habeck first referred to a scheduling question regarding a mobility topic he had there, and then said: "We will organize all further campaign questions through the committees and then notify you in due time. You don't need to worry. We have that under control."

Regarding how the Greens could be pulled out of the polling slump, Habeck said: "First and foremost through solid and good work and prospectively through a solid and good offering."

Habeck sees great opportunities for better polling figures

Habeck was asked if he was available for this. He answered: "I am, after all, a Minister. I work day and night to help the country free itself from the economic crisis caused by Putin's gas supply disruption. We have a substantial package prepared over the weekend, which will help us mobilize labor and create fiscal incentives for more investments in Germany. I will continue this work with full force." In response to a question about how he saw chances for the Greens to return to the 20 percent mark, Habeck said: "Great chances."

Habeck informed himself about the NeMobil project during his summer vacation in Paderborn. With small autonomous vehicles, passengers should be able to cover the "last mile" - that is, from the train station or bus stop to their homes - in the future where there are few buses and trains. Making mobility affordable and permanently available in rural areas is an important aspect for equal living conditions in Germany. However, it always comes up against technical and also financial problems. What he saw today could be a major step towards a lasting solution, namely affordable autonomous driving of small vehicles.

  1. Despite dodging questions about a Green Chancellor candidacy in Paderborn, Economic and Climate Protection Minister Robert Habeck expressed optimism about the Greens' chances in the upcoming Federal election.
  2. The Chancellor candidate from Germany's Green party visited Paderborn during his summer vacation to learn about the NeMobil project, which aims to improve mobility in rural areas through small autonomous vehicles.
  3. Habeck's work as a Minister has been focused on addressing the economic crisis caused by Putin's gas supply disruption, with plans to mobilize labor and create fiscal incentives for investments in Germany.
  4. Despite facing challenges related to technical and financial issues, Habeck sees great opportunities for better polling figures for the Green party during the Federal election, highlighting the importance of solid work and offerings.

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