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Habeck and Söder visit the flooded region.

Emergency responders in southern Germany are combating floods, with Sunday potentially bringing more flooding threats. Several municipalities in Bavaria have declared a state of emergency in response.

Overflowing banks and flooded roads in the Bavarian Kammeltal - the flood situation in southern...
Overflowing banks and flooded roads in the Bavarian Kammeltal - the flood situation in southern Germany continues.

Weather disturbance causes turbulent conditions. - Habeck and Söder visit the flooded region.

In response to nonstop rain in Southern Germany, emergency crews have been busy managing overflowing rivers and streams. Ten Bavarian communities now find themselves in a state of emergency, with the Danube and several of its tributaries presenting dangerous conditions.

Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck visits Reichertshofen, Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, accompanied by Bavaria's Minister President Markus Söder and Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann, hoping to see the disaster firsthand. Tragedy strikes as a firefighter lost his life during a rescue operation last night in the district.

Habeck shared his thoughts, "Riding to Pfaffenhofen, I heard about a firefighter's death. It's heartbreaking. He died while trying to save people from the flood. In my thoughts are his colleagues, friends, and fellow firefighters. It's remarkable to see them exhibit such courage and willingness to risk their lives in flood-affected areas. It's very commendable."

Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed gratitude and respect to the rescuers and helpers in the flood-ridden regions, also sending his condolences: "Learning of a firefighter's death in Pfaffenhofen saddens me deeply. My sympathy goes out to his colleagues and fellow firefighters."

At present, part of Meckenbeuren, Lake Constance, has been submerged by the Schussen River. This has affected the districts of Kehlen and Brochenzell, turning streets into waterways. Thankfully, no injuries have yet been reported.

Despite this, approximately 1300 people were advised to leave their homes and seek safety. This was a voluntary measure. Some residents remain in their homes, choosing to stay in the upper floors for now.

A nun waived at floodwaters from the second floor of a monastery in Herbertingen, Germany. (Photo by Roland Weihrauch/dpa via AP)

The Schussen River's level exceeded 4.86 meters in the evening. This has since been declining, as it's usually only 45 centimeters deep at that location.

The Bundeswehr is providing assistance in the Dillingen district. Since morning, 70 soldiers have been deployed to support the emergency crew. 30 soldiers help create sandbags near Höchstädt, which will later be relocated to Wertingen, while the remaining 40 soldiers aid in Peterswörth, a village in Gundelfingen known for a temporary dam's collapse. The Danube has breached the left bank of Peterswörth, moving towards the flow's direction.

Meteorologists expect more showers, possibly with thunderstorms, which could lead to local flooding again. "If these showers hit the already soaked ground, then there will be more flooding regardless," a meteorologist noted.

Heidelberg experiences the flood's impact as the Neckar River's banks have burst in several areas. Buildings and infrastructure are severely damaged, prompting authorities to caution residents to steer clear of the river.

The Rhine River, too, faces the risk of flooding with water levels rapidly rising. Authorities issue a flood warning between Worms and Mannheim, expecting the Rhine to reach its highest level since 2002. The Swabian Alb area, slightly north, and regions around Augsburg, Nuremberg, Bamberg, and Regensburg are expected to be most vulnerable to these storms and thunderstorms.

In Augsburg, various communities along the Schmutter River receive evacuation notifications, with temporary shelters established at the Augsburg fairgrounds. Heavy rains over the last few days have resulted in over 24 hours' worth of precipitation in some places, surpassing the predicted monthly limit. In Kißlegg, Baden-Württemberg, 130 liters of rain fell on Friday, while the average monthly amount is just 118 liters. In Bad Wörishofen, Bavaria, the Schmutter River received 129 liters, when the typical monthly average should only be 101 liters. The heavier-than-usual rainfall in Southern Germany is particularly disturbing.

An ICE train experienced a derailment in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Baden-Württemberg, caused by the excessive rain. The 185 people onboard the train remained uninjured. The train was rerouted due to the floods in Southern Germany. Further down the line, two carriages slid off its tracks. Fortunately, all passengers evacuated safely.

Meteorologists project more downpours combined with thunderstorms, potentially worsening the flood situation. Residents of affected regions should stay updated with their local authorities on safety precautions.

Note: the provided text is a paraphrased version of the original provided.

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Travelers in southern Germany should brace themselves for more train mishaps and delays in the impending days, according to a company representative. As per the website, multiple train routes are experiencing these disruptions. A few of these include the lines connecting Munich to Nuremberg, Berlin; Stuttgart to Mannheim, Frankfurt; and Munich to Lindau, Bregenz, and Zurich. There was no possible long-distance journey from Stuttgart to Munich this morning.

The railway company has issued an advisory asking travelers to reconsider trips to the flooded regions in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. Riding in those trains could be very crowded due to the disruptions. Besides, passengers who postpone their journey due to weather damage have the flexibility of using their tickets at a later time. The train connections have been canceled.

Flooded basements in Leipzig

The only report of major incidents comes from an area in the Leipzig region of Thuringia and Saxony - the city of Colditz. The local fire chief, Steffen Schmidt, reported that cellars had been submerged and property inundated in the evening. Additionally, the roads to two city districts had to be closed throughout the evening as a result of the considerable amount of rain. At this stage, there were no reports of any injuries. The firefighters of Bautzen and Görlitz in Saxony dealt with 16 cases of weather-related issues. Nevertheless, no significant damages or serious incidents were reported by the police headquarters in Leipzig and Chemnitz. The motorway A7 was closed for hours in Hesse because of flooding, particularly in the sections between Bad Hersfeld and Homberg Efze.

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