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Guterres "shocked" after attacks on UN schools in Gaza

UN Secretary-General Guterres repeatedly calls for the supposed inviolability of UN facilities in the Gaza Strip. But once again he laments "a devastating and unacceptable number of civilian casualties".

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has renewed his call for an immediate humanitarian
UN Secretary-General António Guterres has renewed his call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza

Guterres "shocked" after attacks on UN schools in Gaza

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has expressed his deep shock at the attacks on two UN schools in Gaza. "Dozens of people - many women and children - were killed and injured as they sought shelter on United Nations premises," Guterres said in New York on Sunday. "I reiterate that UN territory is inviolable," he continued.

"This war has a devastating and unacceptable number of civilian casualties every day, including women and children," Guterres said. "This must stop." Guterres renewed his call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and thanked the government of Qatar for its mediation between the warring parties.

Numerous people were reportedly killed when a projectile hit one of the two UN schools in the Jabalia refugee district in the northern Gaza Strip on Saturday. According to the UN Palestinian Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), up to 7,000 people had sought refuge in the school before the shelling.

  1. The UN, led by Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, has strongly condemned the attacks on UN schools in the Gaza Strip, considering it a violation of the inviolability of UN territory.
  2. Guterres emphasized that the escalating conflicts in the Middle East have resulted in an alarming number of civilian casualties, including children, and urged for an immediate ceasefire to protect schools and civilians in Gaza.
  3. The UN and other international organizations, such as UNRWA, have advocated for the safeguarding of schools as sanctuaries in the Gaza Strip, as more than 7,000 people sought refuge in a UN school that was ultimately targeted by attacks.


