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Gunshots reported at two spots in Hagen, leaving multiple people harmed.

Several people have sustained injuries in Hagen due to gunfire at two separate crime scenes.

Shots have been fired in Hagen, North Rhine-Westphalia. Emergency services are on the scene with a...
Shots have been fired in Hagen, North Rhine-Westphalia. Emergency services are on the scene with a large contingent.

Urgent situations must be addressed immediately. - Gunshots reported at two spots in Hagen, leaving multiple people harmed.

Two shooting incidents took place in Hagen, causing injuries to several individuals.

At the request of dpa, Hagen police verified media reports claiming that one crime scene is located at a hairdresser's salon in the Eilpe district. Emergency teams have swiftly responded, including a large number of officers. Police authorities in Dortmund have taken control of the situation, forming a task force as well.

The police confirmed that some people suffered injuries, though the specific number was unknown at first. According to the "Westfalen Post," a helicopter for emergency medical assistance touched down close to the crime scenes. In a note on the platform X, Hagen police stated, "a potential link to the incident could involve family ties." The police have imposed an extensive security cordon around the locations of the incidents.

Read also:

A rescue helicopter was deployed due to the critical situation in Hagen.The emergency services in North Rhine-Westphalia are currently focusing on the crime scene in Hagen.The crisis in Hagen has brought the German police into action, with authorities from nearby cities assisting.The injured individuals from the shooting incidents in Hagen are being transported to hospitals by emergency services.The incident in Hagen has resulted in an increase in emergencies being reported across North Rhine-Westphalia.

