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"Guardian": London private club accepts women for the first time

Exclusive clubs play a central role in London's social life. The Garrick is one of the best known and a meeting place for the art scene. Now there is a historic change.

Oscar winner Judi Dench is the first female member of a private cluster in its 193-year history.
Oscar winner Judi Dench is the first female member of a private cluster in its 193-year history.

Society - "Guardian": London private club accepts women for the first time

For the first time in its 193-year history, the Garrick Club in London, a private club reportedly known for being a meeting place for actors and patrons of the arts, has admitted two women as members according to a newspaper report. The Guardian reported that British actresses Judi Dench (89) and Siân Phillips (91) had been accepted during the annual general meeting. The Garrick Club is said to have around 1500 members, with up to four new members able to join each year.

This institution in the West End Theater Quarter, one of the oldest membership clubs in the world, was founded in 1831 as a meeting place for actors and art patrons. Named after the actor and playwright David Garrick, it features dining rooms, luxurious lounges, and exclusive sleeping quarters.

New Analysis of Club Rules

Until 2010, women were not allowed in the influential club. They were not permitted to enter the building at all. Since then, they had been allowed access only if they were invited and accompanied by a man.

This rule was changed in May. A new analysis of the club rules had revealed that there was no explicit reason to deny women membership: The pronoun "he" (he) in legal documents should be read as "she" (she).

Previously, the Guardian had published a leaked membership list, on which, apart from King Charles III, politicians such as Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden, as well as dozens of leading lawyers, heads of publicly funded arts institutions, and top journalists were listed. This led to protests and criticism. The head of the foreign intelligence service MI6, Richard Moore, and the most senior government official, Simon Case, both resigned in response.

BBC Report on Rule Changes from May "Guardian" Article Explanation from Sky News on Garrick Club from March

  1. The recent admission of Judi Dench and Siân Phillips as members of the Garrick Club has been widely celebrated, with the Guardian Media Group hailing it as a significant step towards equal rights in Great Britain.
  2. Phillips, known for her roles in shows like 'Doctor Who' and 'Educating Rita', and Dench, a Dame Commanded by the Queen and a renowned actress, are set to inspire change within the exclusive Phillips Customs of the Garrick Club's theater society.
  3. The annual general meeting in London saw the revised club rules being approved, making way for more women to potentially join the prestigious club, paving the way for a more inclusive future in Great Britain's entertainment industry.
  4. The women's entrance into the Garrick Club has sparked an ongoing conversation among the people of Great Britain, with discussions centering around the broader implications of equal rights in the realm of society and entertainment.
  5. The Theater Quarter in London has witnessed a shift in power dynamics, with the admission of two prominent actresses signifying a new chapter in the history of the Garrick Club, breaking the long-standing Phillips Customs that had excluded women until recently.
  6. The Guardian has been at the forefront of advocating for women's rights in the film industry, regularly covering stories that celebrate the achievements of women in the field and push for more equitable representation.

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