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Groups of Individuals Demonstrating Vigorously in Berlin

Display of S-300 Air Defense Units during a Celebration in Moscow.
Display of S-300 Air Defense Units during a Celebration in Moscow.

Groups of Individuals Demonstrating Vigorously in Berlin

17:30 Dutch Defense Minister in Kharkiv: Ukraine Needs to Keep Russia at a Safe Distance

Dutch Defense Minister Ruben Brekelmans, during a trip to Kharkiv, Ukraine, emphasized that the country can only safeguard itself by keeping Russia at a more substantial distance. He shared his observations on Twitter, depicting the scene as "decimated apartments, power outages, children attending school in bunkers."

16:10 Ukraine Claims Over 660,000 Russian Soldiers 'Eliminated' Since Conflict Began

According to Ukraine's General Staff, Russia has suffered over 660,000 soldier casualties in its conflict. The Ukrainian military announced in a statement that 660,470 Russian soldiers had been "eliminated," which often implies killed or severely injured and unable to continue serving.

15:14 Casualty in Russian Drone Swarm Attack in Ukraine

A Russian mass drone attack in Ukraine has reportedly resulted in at least one fatality. A 49-year-old's car was hit by a drone in the Kharkiv region, as reported by Governor Oleh Syniehubov. Ukrainian authorities also reported damage to a gas pipeline in the Odessa region and a warehouse fire. The Ukrainian air force reported that the Russian forces launched rockets and 87 drones, with 56 drones and two rockets being destroyed. An additional 25 drones disappeared from radar, "most likely due to air defense missiles."

14:26 Egon Krenz, Former SED General Secretary, Supports Schröder's Views on Ukraine Conflict

Former SED General Secretary and DDR State Council Chairman Egon Krenz sees the strong performance of the AfD and the BSW in the three state elections in September in the east as a call for negotiations to end Russia's war against Ukraine. "The message coming from these events is: Finally listen to us! We want peace policy. We want to live, not die," Krenz told the "Tagesspiegel" on the sidelines of a "75 Years of DDR" event in Berlin, as the newspaper reported online. Krenz praised the demand of the state premiers of Saxony and Brandenburg, Michael Kretschmer of the CDU and Dietmar Woidke of the SPD, as well as the Thuringian CDU chairman, for greater efforts to find a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine conflict.

The 87-year-old former deputy, confidant, and successor to DDR state leader Erich Honecker also endorsed the stance of former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder on Russia's war against Ukraine. "I think he has a good position. I agree with him on this issue," said Krenz. Krenz and Schröder have a long history, having met, among other times, in Bonn in 1980 and in East Berlin in 1981. At the time, Krenz was the head of the communist youth organization Free German Youth (FDJ), and Schröder was the chairman of the Young Socialists.

13:52 Ukraine's "Trading Space for Losses" Strategy

Ukraine is implementing a strategy described by military analyst Mykola Bielieskov of the state-run Ukrainian Institute for Strategic Studies as "trading space for losses" in the "New York Times." This involves retreating from besieged cities after causing maximum damage in personnel and material to the Russians. "It's about how much they lose before they realize it's futile," says Oleksandr Solonko, a member of the 411th Ukrainian Drone Battalion. Some Ukrainian commanders would prefer to "abandon a position or settlement if it reduces their own personnel losses."

13:14 Ukraine: Russia Prioritizes Crimean Bridge Over Domestic Objectives

Dmytro Pletenchuk, spokesperson for the Ukrainian Navy, discusses the delivery of S-300 anti-aircraft missiles to the area of the Crimean Bridge on the TV channel Espreso. "They certainly need to replenish their supplies," Pletenchuk says. "The Russians have indeed deployed a significant amount of anti-aircraft systems, so-called large anti-aircraft systems, there. And they're not doing this without reason. They need missiles, it's not coincidental." Russia seems more preoccupied with the Crimean Bridge than some "no less important objects on the territory of the Russian Federation itself," the spokesperson suggests. The bridge serves more as an ideological than purely logistical purpose, he adds. Ukraine aims to permanently destroy the Crimean Bridge, but this has not been achieved due to its strong protection. The structure has been harmed twice by attacks.

12:48 Merz: If the West Withdraws, Russia Will Seek More

In a guest article for "Focus," CDU leader Friedrich Merz cautions, "We must not deceive ourselves or allow ourselves to be deceived about the nature of this war. Putin is dismantling a political order in Europe that we built together with Russia, not against Russia, after 1990." Neither Europe nor NATO has committed any provocations or breaches of contract that could even slightly justify initiating such a war against Ukraine, Merz points out. If Ukraine remains steadfast and the West continues to support it, Russia will understand that further military aggression is senseless, he adds. However, if the West retreats, "Russia has won and will demand more."

Display of S-300 Air Defense Units during a Celebration in Moscow.

12:14 Russian Dissident Activist Dadin Reportedly Dies in Ukraine FightRussian dissident Ildar Dadin is alleged to have perished while fighting alongside the Ukrainian army. This information comes from journalist Xenya Larina, who posted it on X. As of yet, there's no confirmation from Kyiv regarding Dadin's demise. Dadin was convicted to three years in prison in 2015 in Russia for participating in multiple unauthorized protests against Kremlin policies. His sentence was later reduced after 15 months, and he was released. In 2023, he shifted his allegiance to Ukraine and joined the Russian Volunteer Corps to fight against Russia in the ongoing conflict.

11:34 Impressive Ukrainian Brigade Strike on Russian TankThe 60th Brigade of Ukraine has released a video showcasing the devastation of a Russian tank using a drone in the Donetsk region. The footage shows the drone's strike causing an explosion so intense that the tank's turret is propelled high into the sky.

11:06 Reported Civilian Casualties and Injuries in Russian Attacks on UkraineAt least four civilians were reported dead, and at least 30 were injured in Russian attacks on Ukraine the previous day, as per the "Kyiv Independent".

10:33 Wuhledar Defender Details Russian Superiority in Artillery SystemsAccording to Ukrainian sources, the ratio of artillery ammunition is 3:1 in favor of the Russian forces. However, a soldier from the 72nd Brigade, who defended Wuhledar until its recent retreat, reports an even more unfavorable ratio regarding the number of artillery systems. As of late summer, the Russians had a 10:1 advantage in artillery systems around Wuhledar. According to the soldier, who spoke to the "New York Times", "How can one of our artillery systems fight against 10 of theirs?" He also disclosed that Russian forces can overwhelm Ukrainian defenses if they focus their efforts on a specific area.

09:59 Overnight Russian Drone and Missile Assaults on UkraineThe Ukrainian air force reported 87 drone attacks and four missile strikes from Russia overnight, as per a Telegram post. Ukraine was able to shoot down 56 drones and two missiles, with 25 drones likely succumbing to electronic warfare.

09:13 Danish Prime Minister Apologizes for Delay in Delivering F-16 Fighter Jets to UkraineA video circulating on Ukrainian channels shows Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen apologizing to Ukraine for the delay in delivering F-16 fighter jets at the GLOBSEC Forum. In spite of her initial intention to supply them at the beginning of the conflict, detailed discussions on the feasibility of the move delayed the delivery. Denmark has promised Ukraine a total of 19 fighter jets, but the delivery has been gradual, with only a small number deployed so far this summer.

08:31 Kyiv Post Reports Deaths of North Korean Soldiers in Rocket AttackAs per a recent report by the "Kyiv Post", more than 20 soldiers, including six North Korean officers, died in a rocket attack near the Russian-occupied Donetsk. The attack's target was allegedly to consult with Russian colleagues and demonstrate the training of personnel before the assault.

Dadin garnered notoriety by unveiling the prevalent practice of mistreatment and torment in the Russian prison system.

07:50 Ukrainian General Staff Reports Multiple Russian Combat Positions DestroyedThe Ukrainian Armed Forces General Staff reported the destruction of three combat positions of Russian troops and the 2nd combined army, along with two brigades, using Storm-Shadow missiles and GMLRS rockets. The combined operations were carried out by air force and rocket and artillery troops, in conjunction with other defense forces components.

07:04 ISW: Russia's Recruitment Efforts Face ChallengesThough the Kremlin plans to offer financial incentives to new recruits joining the Ministry of Defense, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) indicates that the current recruitment drive is yielding less favorable results. The increased financial incentives suggest that the existing recruitment efforts are insufficient to maintain the offensive tempo in Ukraine. According to ISW, the long-term limits for the number of recruits that Russia's mobilization campaign can generate are likely to be exceeded, and the enhanced financial incentives are unlikely to address these constraints.

06:20 Russia Expert Believes Ukraine to Face Challenges and Potential CounteroffensiveMark Galeotti, a Russia expert, writes in a guest article for the "Sunday Times", believes Ukraine can assemble large-scale counteroffensives by 2025 with the new weapons it is receiving, though approval for long-range weapons like ATACMS and Storm Shadow is still pending. Kiev is already effectively using its own rockets and drones against Russian ammunition depots, he adds. Meanwhile, Russia is facing challenges in recruiting soldiers, despite generous pay, and experiencing labor shortages. Moreover, stocks of military equipment are depleting quickly. The major threats to Ukraine according to Galeotti are strengthening opposition to supporting Ukraine in the EU, and a potential election victory of Donald Trump in the USA.

05:40 Five GOP Senators Worry About Hungary's Growing Russion Ties and Cooperation with ChinaFollowing their visit to Hungary, five Republican U.S. Senators voiced concerns over Hungary's strengthening connections with Russia and enhanced cooperation with China. The delegation featured Republican Senators Jerry Moran, John Boozman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, and John Goven. Senator Jerry Moran voiced worries over Hungary's growing ties with Russia and the deterioration of its democratic institutions, urging closer collaboration between Hungary and its allies. "It's beneficial for our countries to work closely together. We urge Hungary to heed the warnings of its allies and respond accordingly." Hungary serves as a crucial EU ally of Russia. Prime Minister Orban has repeatedly obstructed aid for Ukraine, advocated for negotiations, and frequently echoed Kremlin viewpoints. While Hungary has condemned the conflict, it has refused to provide weapons to Ukraine.

03:27 Air Defense Allegedly Fends Off Missile Strike on KyivUkrainian air defense forces are reported to have repelled a Russian air assault on Kyiv, as per the Ukrainian military's Telegram news channel. No specifics were disclosed.

01:58 Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Suposedly Leaving PositionRussian Ambassador to the U.S., Anatoli Antonov, is reportedly concluding his diplomatic assignment, according to Russian media. The ambassador is returning to Moscow, as reported by the Interfax news agency. The "Vedomosti" newspaper states that Antonov's departure is imminent. Additional details were not immediately accessible. Antonov has served as ambassador in Washington since 2017.

23:46 Ukraine: Russian Troops Reportedly Executing More POWs - 93 Soldiers KilledUkrainian enforcement authorities have credible evidence that Russian occupation troops have executed a substantial number of Ukrainian prisoners of war. According to the Ukrinform news agency, Yuri Belousov, head of the war crimes department of the Prosecutor General's Office, stated on national radio: "We now have information about 93 of our soldiers who were executed on the battlefield," he said. Belousov underlined that 80% of Ukrainian prisoners of war have been executed this year. The trend of executing prisoners commenced in November 2023. "The attitude of Russian soldiers towards our prisoners of war has worsened," said Belousov.


22:14 Report: Potential Territorial Concessions by Kyiv on NATO Membership?

Ukraine remains resolute on recapturing the territories occupied by Russia for the past decade. But how? It lacks personnel, weapons, and sufficient aid from the Western alliance. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy now states that Kyiv is preparing "significant decisions" for the Contact Group meeting in Ramstein on October 12, with Washington and other states. According to the "Financial Times", Ukraine's new strategy involves requesting military and diplomatic support from allies to compel Russia to the negotiating table. Western diplomats and an increasing number of Ukrainian officials believe that comprehensive security guarantees could serve as the foundation for a negotiated resolution, with Russia retaining de facto, but not de jure, control over all or part of the Ukrainian territory it currently occupies. Discussions are also underway regarding whether Ukraine could secure NATO membership as part of this.

21:23 Analysts: Russia Losing More Equipment, Ukraine Awaits Tank Deliveries

Russia is reportedly losing, on average, three times more equipment than Ukraine and is "continuously depleting its stocks of inherited Soviet equipment, while its production, like Ukraine's, only covers a small fraction of what it's losing," says Jakub Janowski, a Prague-based analyst working for the Dutch Open-Source Intelligence monitoring unit Oryx. Comparing mobilization potential, workforce, and production capacities, time is currently on Russia's side, warns Konrad Muzyka, a Polish analyst and director of Rochan Consulting. Janowski believes that while Russia has more troops and greater firepower, it could face significant problems if the West intensifies its support. Additionally, several promised military equipment deliveries are pending. According to Oryx, Kyiv is still awaiting promised deliveries of at least 280 tanks, 480 armored fighting vehicles, 1200 troop carriers, and 180 mobile artillery vehicles.

20:34 Ukraine Reports Downing of Russian Bomber; Photos Show Plane Wreckage

Ukrainian forces claim to have shot down a Russian combat aircraft. The bomber was hit near the city of Kostiantyniwka in the Donetsk province on Saturday, according to the head of the local military administration. Images depict the charred remains of an aircraft that crashed into a house, igniting a fire.

You can catch up on all previous developments here.

The aircraft's hydrofoil, set against the backdrop, along with additional wreckage, and a residence that was leveled due to the crash impact.

In light of the ongoing conflict, there's growing concern about the potential escalation of cyberwarfare between Russia and Ukraine.

In the face of Russia's traditional military aggression, Ukraine is also strengthening its cyberdefenses to protect critical infrastructure and sensitive information.

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