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Group of Ukrainians trained on the Patriot air defense system

The German government is focusing its military aid for Ukraine on air defense. The systems are expensive and complicated. A second operating team will soon be ready for combat.

A course participant stands on a truck in front of a Patriot launcher during a training course
A course participant stands on a truck in front of a Patriot launcher during a training course for Ukrainian soldiers on the Patriot air defense system.

Conflicts - Group of Ukrainians trained on the Patriot air defense system

The Bundeswehr has trained a second group of Ukrainian soldiers on the Patriot air defense system. The training of around 70 men and women was about to be completed after more than six weeks.

The defense of Ukrainian airspace is a central task, said Lieutenant General Andreas Marlow, commander of the multinational training command ("Special Training Command"), during a visit to the site. He pointed out that Russian attacks were specifically directed against civilian infrastructure in Ukraine.

Training for around 10,000 Ukrainians

On Friday, Marlow visited the training at an air force base in Germany, which will not be named publicly. The training command itself is based in Strausberg near Berlin and manages the work of the EU training mission (EUMAM) for Ukraine, which was launched more than a year ago. The Bundeswehr and its partners aim to have trained around 10,000 Ukrainians in various tasks by the end of the year.

In October, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) promised Ukraine further arms deliveries and financial support. This so-called winter package includes everything needed for air defense. Germany will also supply Ukraine with an additional Patriot system.

Patriot ("Phased Array Tracking Radar for Intercept on Target") is one of the most modern air defense systems in the world. It can be used to combat enemy aircraft, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. The defensive missiles can hit targets at a distance of around 100 kilometers and at altitudes of up to 30 kilometers in an imaginary bell around the position - depending on the missile used.

Weapon system is very complex

The Ukrainians showed the general in snowy terrain how they work in the fire control station and prepare the so-called launchers for use. These are all-terrain trucks on which the missiles are loaded and can be fired. For the training itself, geographical scenarios from Ukraine can be fed into the fire control stations. Many of the Ukrainians already have experience with air defense systems such as the S-300 air defense system developed in Soviet times.

"They are all combat-experienced soldiers who have also previously worked in the field of air defense," said a German instructor. "Our training concludes with a two-day exercise at the end of which we recall everything we have learned." The weapon system is very complex, but they have been introduced step by step, said a Ukrainian officer, about 50 years old and hooded, citing security reasons. He said: "We are ready. But our training is not finished yet."

Marlow said that a level of training had been reached with which the Ukrainians could work independently with this weapon system and thus perform air defense tasks. The decisive factor in the training is motivation and operational readiness. He said: "The second thing is that we have of course received a lot of tactical tips from the Ukrainians about what they have learned in the battle with the Russians, from infantry to engineers to air defense." The Bundeswehr is reviewing its own operational principles on the basis of such information.

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