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Grote: 'Compact'-ban on enemies of the Rule of Law

The Interior Minister prohibits the "Compact"-Magazine, which is classified as right-wing extremist by the Constitutional Protection Agency. The Interior Senate of Hamburg approves.

Grote greets 'Compact' ban
Grote greets 'Compact' ban

Extremism - Grote: 'Compact'-ban on enemies of the Rule of Law

Hamburg Senator for Interior and Sports Andy Grote (SPD) described the ban on the right-wing extremist labeled magazine "Compact" as a "successful blow of the rule of law against its enemies." He stated, "Compact carried antisemitic conspiracy theories and right-wing extremist propaganda into the kiosks of the Republic under the cloak of press freedom and agitated against Democracy and the rule of law."

Grote also thanked Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD), "for putting an end to this right-wing extremist tabloid in the newstands and no longer having to endure it."

Faeser had previously banned the "Compact" magazine and the Conspect Film GmbH, labeling them as the "central mouthpiece of the right-wing extremist scene." Law enforcement searched their premises and residences of leading figures, management, and shareholders in Brandenburg, Hesse, Saxony, and Saxony-Anhalt. The goal of the raid was the seizure of assets and evidence, according to a statement from the Ministry.

Hamburg AfD criticizes Federal Interior Minister

Criticism of the ban came from the Hamburg AfD. The media and constitutional policy spokesperson for the AfD parliamentary group, Krzysztof Walczak, said, "In Germany, authoritarian tendencies are continuing to grow." He added, "If in Faeser's Germany, press is now even being banned, then the differences to authoritarian systems like, for example, Putin's Russia, will become increasingly small."

  1. The ban on the "Compact" magazine, a right-wing extremist tabloid, was seen as a significant step towards upholding the 'Rule of law' in Germany, as described by SPD politician Andy Grote, the Hamburg Senator for Interior and Sports.
  2. Grote praised Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser for her role in banning the "Compact" magazine and Conspect Film GmbH, noting that they were serving as the 'central mouthpiece' of the right-wing extremist scene.
  3. In response to the ban, the Hamburg branch of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) criticized the actions of Faeser, expressing concern about 'authoritarian tendencies' growing in Germany and suggesting that the ban on the press might narrow the gap between Germany and 'authoritarian systems' such as Putin's Russia.
  4. Andy Grote, the SPD politician, emphasized that the "Compact" magazine had actively propagated 'antisemitic conspiracy theories' and 'right-wing extremist propaganda,' targeting Democracy and the 'rule of law' in Germany.
  5. Grote also commended Faeser for successfully eliminating this 'right-wing extremist tabloid' from German newstands, thus ensuring a safer and more inclusive environment for all citizens.
  6. The ban on the "Compact" magazine and related raids involved law enforcement searching premises and residences in various German states, aimed at seizing assets and evidence related to right-wing extremist activities.

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