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Greens demand 120 euros bonus for every week of internship

A shortage of skilled workers on the one hand, young people without training on the other. In order to improve the situation on the labor market in the long term, Bavaria's Green Party is calling for money for internships.

With a bonus of 120 euros, the Greens want to convince more young people to do an internship.
With a bonus of 120 euros, the Greens want to convince more young people to do an internship.

Fighting the shortage of skilled workers - Greens demand 120 euros bonus for every week of internship

Student interns in Bavaria, according to the Greens, should receive a premium of 120 Euro per week starting from next year. This is stated in a proposal from the faction, which is on the agenda of the Economic Committee of the Landtag on Thursday. The Greens hope that this will be an important impetus to permanently combat the skilled labor shortage, as young people will gain insights into various professions earlier.

"The training premium has been successful in other federal states. It is a motivating signal for the students, who can use their vacation time for an internship," said Barbara Fuchs, the economic policy spokesperson for the faction. They could thereby establish contacts with training companies and gain insight into professional practice. "It's ideal for getting to know various training professions."

At least 6 working hours per day as a prerequisite

According to the proposal, in order to receive the premium, an internship in a certified training company during school holidays for at least one week with at least 6 working hours per day is required. The proposal specifically mentions craft trades and training occupations of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK). The state should support up to four internships in this way per year.

The training premium is aimed at students who are at least 15 years old, live in Bavaria, and attend a middle school, a secondary school, a special school, a vocational high school, or a gymnasium.

The training premium is not a Bavarian invention - good experiences have been made with it in Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and Schleswig-Holstein, it was further stated.

15 percent of young people in Bavaria without vocational training

In 2022, around 15 percent of young people between 20 and 34 years old in Bavaria had no completed vocational training. In 2023, according to the Federal Employment Agency, there were approximately 38,000 unfilled training positions in the state.

  1. The Greens in Bavaria advocate for a premium of 120 Euro per week for student interns in the labor market, aiming to combat the skills shortage.
  2. Barbara Fuchs, the economic policy spokesperson for the Greens, believes that the training premium in certified training companies could provide valuable insights for students and help establish contacts with potential employers.
  3. To receive the premium, student interns must complete at least one week of internship during school holidays with at least 6 working hours per day in the craft trades or training occupations of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK).
  4. The training premium is not exclusive to Bavaria; it has been successful in various other German federal states, including Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and Schleswig-Holstein.
  5. Despite the benefits of vocational training, around 15% of young people between 20 and 34 years old in Bavaria still lack completed vocational training, and the Federal Employment Agency reports approximately 38,000 unfilled training positions in the state, highlighting the need for measures such as the training premium to address the issue.

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