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Green party member furious over disruption during discussion on police fatalities.

The Interior Senator for Berlin speaks at the state assembly when a Green party member disrupts her. The incident itself is unexceptional in the political realm. However, the subject matter of the dispute is startling: the murder of police officer Rouven L. in Mannheim.

Anger in the Green parliamentary group in the Berlin House of Representatives
Anger in the Green parliamentary group in the Berlin House of Representatives

The Berlin State Legislature - Green party member furious over disruption during discussion on police fatalities.

The passing of police officer Rouven L. from Mannheim has left many mourning and sparked debates on the consequences. During a Q&A session at the Berlin House of Representatives, a heated exchange took place when the topic was brought up. An AfD MP is believed to have asked about the increased deportation of serious criminals to Syria and Afghanistan which Chancellor Olaf Scholz mentioned in a government statement earlier that day. In response, Interior Senator Iris Spranger (SPD) states, "The tragic death of Mannheim reminds us that..."

However, her statement was interrupted by a shout from the Green faction, asking, "Mannheim is dead?" This was followed by brief laughter from the Green faction members, according to Bild's meeting protocol.

Berlin Greens express sorrow to Rouven L.'s family

Spranger instantly addresses the outburst and addresses the police sitting in the audience, "I wouldn't laugh about that. That's because up there are colleagues and colleagues." This draws applause from the CDU, SPD, and the AfD. "I hope that the Greens and the MPs will also agree with me that the security of security forces is the top priority when dealing with such stabbing incidents."

The outburst came from MP Tuba Bozkurt, who later articulated her apologies through X, "I would like to apologize for my comment in the House of Representatives. It was mindless and inappropriate, and I deeply regret it. I offer my sincerest apologies to the relatives, friends, and colleagues of Rouven L., whom I offended with my remark."

Other politicians expressed stronger criticisms of the situation, two days before the European election. CDU MP Lucas Schaal said, "Bloody speeches and empty laughter are more than inappropriate." He continued, "And this incident highlights once again that the Green Party apparently has an issue with the state and its officials, who work every day to allow us to live freely."

The Green faction later self-criticized themselves, "Our unwavering sympathy goes to the fallen police officer Rouven L., his family, and his colleagues." Green party chairperson Omid Nouripour also commented, "When the family of a murder victim is at the grave, there is nothing to laugh about."

A 25-year-old Afghan was responsible for injuring five participants of the Islam-critical movement Pax Europa and a police officer with a knife at a previous demonstration. The 29-year-old officer Rouven L. eventually succumbed to his injuries.

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White-haired Green party leader Omid Nouripour expressed his disapproval of the incident, stating during a rally in Mannheim, "It's important to remember that we should always show respect and sympathy towards the families of the fallen, no matter the circumstances."

In light of the incident, Rouven L.'s close friend and ally, Alliance 90/Greens politician Rouven F., led a meeting in Berlin to discuss ways to prevent such incidents in the future, emphasizing the importance of respect and understanding in political discourse.

